Press Release


As the result of an ongoing partnership with UWorld and the Department of Defense National Defense Education Programs (NDEP), Dr. John Yopp, Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation, announced that the Trustees of the Goldwater Board will be able to award 441 Goldwater scholarships to college students from across the United States for the 2025-2026 academic year. When these new awards are combined with the second year of support to 64 sophomores who received Goldwater scholarships in 2024, the total number will again be among the largest number of scholars ever supported in a single year. With the 2025 awards, the Goldwater Foundation has awarded 11,162 scholarships since 1989, the first year the scholarship was bestowed.

“The Department of Defense’s continued partnership with the Goldwater Foundation ensures we are supporting the development of scientific talent essential to maintaining our Nation’s competitive advantage,” said Dr. Jagadeesh Pamulapati, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Science and Technology Foundations, who oversees the NDEP program.

“We are proud to remain the Goldwater Foundation’s sole private sector partner for the second year and support undergraduates interested in pursuing medical research careers,” said Chandra S. Pemmasani, M.D., founder and CEO of UWorld. “It is inspiring to see how the foundation continues to motivate students to grow in their education and pursue their professional goals.

From an estimated pool of over 5,000 college sophomores and juniors, 1,350 science, engineering, and mathematics students were nominated by 445 academic institutions to compete for the 2025 Goldwater scholarships. Of the students who reported, 203 of the Scholars are men, 222 are women, and virtually all intend to obtain a Ph.D. as their highest degree objective. Fifty Scholars intend to pursue research careers in mathematics and computer science, 240 in the sciences, 88 in medicine, and 63 in engineering and materials research.

Goldwater Scholars have gone on to win an impressive array of prestigious awards, becoming National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellows, NSF Graduate Research Fellows, Hertz Fellows, DOE Computational Science Graduate Fellows, Astronaut Scholars, Churchill Scholars, Marshall Scholars, and Rhodes Scholars.

The Goldwater Foundation is a federally endowed agency established by Public Law 99-661 on November 14, 1986. The Scholarship Program honoring Senator Barry Goldwater was designed to identify, encourage, and financially support outstanding undergraduates interested in pursuing research careers in the sciences, engineering, and mathematics. The Goldwater Scholarship is the preeminent undergraduate award of its type in these fields.

For further information, contact the Goldwater office at (703) 756-6012 or by email at

2025 Scholars

Use the search function to search and sort the Barry Goldwater scholars.

Last Name, First NameLegal StateSchoolInstitution StateField of StudyCareer GoalCampus RepMentor(s)
Aagaard, NinaPAAmherst CollegeMAChemistryPh.D. in Chemistry. Conduct research in synthetic organic chemistry with renewable energy applications and teach introductory organic chemistry.Evan ClarkRen Wiscons, Melanie Sanford, Taylor Spiller
Abdelmalek, ClaraMDUniversity of Maryland-College ParkMDMedicineI aspire to be a physician-scientist who advances personalized medicine by using patients' genetic backgrounds to inform targeted treatments. Ph.D. in neuroscience, genetics, or biochemistry.Robert InfantinoYoussef Kousa, Erin Tran, Mark Batshaw
Abdelmoity, OmarKSWashington University in St LouisMOMedicineMD/PhD neuropsychiatrist focused on addressing issues related to healthcare access and equity in relation to chronic neurological disorders in marginalized communitiesBrooke TaylorBeau Ances, Jean Baptiste Le-Pichon, James Skeath
Abu El-Haj, LucaPAColumbia University in the City of New YorkNYPhysics and AstronomyI plan to obtain a PhD in Physics. More specifically, I aspire to be a theoretical cosmologist, and I hope to mix formal theoretical work with data driven observational pursuits.Ariella LangCharles Hailey, Kaya Mori
Adler, CalistaMADartmouth CollegeNHEngineeringPh.D. in Biomedical Engineering with a specialization in tissue engineering. Conduct regenerative medicine research in neural and cardiac tissue engineering and teach at the university levelChristie HarnerKatherine Hixon, Luis Hernandez-Nunez
Adusumilli, AdithiNJNorthwestern UniversityILLife SciencesM.D./Ph.D. in neuroimmunology. Study the immune system's involvement in neurodegenerative disease and use clinical samples to identify biomarkers and biological pathways for diagnostics and therapies.LaTanya WilliamsAndrew Miri, Christina Ebert, Yanshan Dai
Ahmed, MariaNYUniversity of RochesterNYMedicineMD/PhD in Biochemistry. Conduct translational research in biomedical science and mentor the next generation of physician-scientists.Belinda ReddenSina Ghaemmaghami, Lea Michel
Ahuja, AvaniNJMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyMAEngineeringI plan to pursue a Ph.D in electrical engineering post-graduation. I aspire to conduct research in electromechanical systems for women's health applications and teach at the university level.Dominique AltarejosCanan Dagdeviren, Maria Yang, Sangbae Kim
Alexander, MarlenaTNThe University of Tennessee-KnoxvilleTNMaterials ResearchPh.D. in Materials Science and Engineering. Advance sustainable and renewable energy systems to assist with climate change mitigation.Meredith Malburne-WadeMariya Zhuravleva, Claudia Rawn
Allen, CarahTXScripps CollegeCAChemistryPh.D. in Chemical Biology. Teach organic chemistry at the university level and conduct research in natural product synthesis.Warren LiuSierra Williams, Sadie Otte, Bethany Caulkins
Alluri, PriyanshuTNDartmouth CollegeNHLife SciencesI want to pursue a career in structural biology, focusing on protein structures. I anticipate using computation and machine learning to develop more effective predictive models of protein complexes.Christie HarnerDr. Thirumala-Devi Kanneganti, Dr. Wesley Marrero, Dr. Soroush Vosoughi
Al-Marrawi, MajdOHOhio State University-Main CampusOHMedicineI aim to become a physician-scientist by pursuing an M.D./Ph.D in Cancer Biology and specializing clinically in Neuro-Oncology at an academic research institution.Janet SchroederRenee A. Bouley, PhD, Ruben C. Petreaca, PhD, Kris Martens, PhD
Alspaugh, PeterCOUniversity of South Florida-Main CampusFLMathematical SciencesI want to earn a PhD in Mathematics and conduct research in semigroup theory and algebra more generally as a university professor.Sayandeb BasuNatasha Jonoska, Masahico Saito, Mile Krajcevski
Alvarez, JaimeCAUniversity of California-BerkeleyCAPhysics and AstronomyObtain a Ph.D. In Physics. Conduct research in gravitational physics and teach at a university.Alicia HayesKris Pardo, Nergis Mavalvala, Eric Oelker
Ambati, MeenakshiVAYale UniversityCTLife SciencesPh.D. in Immunology. Conduct interdisciplinary, biomedical research combining molecular immunology, evolutionary biology, and biostatistics.Alison BumkeRuslan Medzhitov, Bradley Gelfand, Siddharth Narendran
Arras, JacobTXThe University of Texas at San AntonioTXEngineeringPhD in Biomolecular and Chemical Engineering with an emphasis on nanomaterials and polymer engineering. Conduct research, teach, and mentor students at the university level.Andrew ChapmanDr Marissa Wechsler, Dr Albert Jin, Dr Kevin Costa
Ashley, AsaKYWestern Kentucky UniversityKYPhysics and AstronomyI aspire to earn a PhD in theoretical physics and advance research in application-driven mathematical physics, with a focus on innovative solutions for the energy sector.Bradley SmithValentino Simpao, Thomas Richmond, Ferhan Atici
Ayala, NatalieIDBoise State UniversityIDEngineeringPhD in aerospace engineering with a focus on human factors. Conduct research on human factors in deep space missions to the Moon and Mars.Kate HuebschmannDamon Woods, Steve Swanson, Connor Patricelli
Badinger, ZacharyPAPennsylvania State University-Main CampusPAEngineeringPh.D. in Chemical Engineering. Conduct research on biopharmaceutical processes and work in the biotechnology industry. Use computational tools to further understand biologic systems and drug delivery.Tineka LebrunAndrew Zydney, Ali Behboudi, Emma Cooper
Baker, AerinMICalvin UniversityMIChemistryPh.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, conducting research on supramolecular coordination systems and teaching chemistry at a university level while developing and mentoring a research team of students.Christopher HarteminkDouglas Vander Griend, John Wertz
Baldemor, MeganHISanta Clara UniversityCALife SciencesPh.D. in Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology. Conduct research on the molecular mechanisms of neural plasticity and teach at the university level.On Shun PakLaura Cocas, Ian Carter-O'Connell, Kore Liow
Balut, DavidILUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignILPhysics and AstronomyI aim to become a professor of physics who bridges experimental and theoretical approaches, with a focus on the strange metal problem in condensed matter physics.David SchugPeter Abbamonte, Niels de Vries, Thomas Faulkner
Barrera-Altuna, BenjaminFLUniversity of South Florida-Main CampusFLCISEObtain a PhD in Computer Science; research in applied AI to automate and improve domains of health and environment for developing and resource-limited countries such as El Salvador.Sayandeb BasuSeungbae Kim, Yu Yang, Daeun Lee
Batman, GenevieveMDUniversity of South AlabamaALMedicineD.O. and Ph.D. in Structural Anatomy and Rehabilitative Sciences. Pioneer research investigating the mechanisms and treatments of muscular injury in performing artists.David ForbesJoshua Keller, Neil Schwarz
Beans, NataliaWIMarquette UniversityWILife SciencesMy career goal is to obtain a PhD in cell biology and conduct basic or preclinical research in drug discovery for cancer research.Deirdre DempseyAnita Manogaran, Jane Dorweiler, Rosemary Stuart
Beck, DorothyCOUniversity of Virginia-Main CampusVAEngineeringAt the peak of my career, I aspire to be an M.D./Ph.D. researcher harnessing tissue engineering and systems biology to better understand and treat pediatric cancer.Andrus AshooShayn Peirce-Cottler, Chris Highley, Shannon Barker
Beddow, OliviaDESaint Joseph's UniversityPAChemistryMy goal is to obtain a Ph.D. in Chemistry or a related field. I aspire to conduct research to realize efficient chemical synthesis pathways for the production of therapeutic agents.Enrique Téllez-EspigaJohn Tomsho, Mark Reynolds, Usha Rao
Behney, MaddisynPALebanon Valley CollegePALife SciencesPh.D. in Plant Biology. Conduct research in plant genomics and teach at the university level.Philip BeneschRobert Carey, Jen Thornsberry, Rebecca Urban
Belak, EthanOHMiami University-OxfordOHLife SciencesPh.D. in environmental biology, researching pollution from its source to its effect on the environment.Paul UrayamaMark Krekeler
Benning, ThomasWIUniversity of Wisconsin-Eau ClaireWIChemistryPh.D. in Organic Chemistry. My research will investigate the synthesis of novel drugs by methods of biocatalysis. Following graduate school, I plan to apply my knowledge in pharmaceutical development.Erica BensonTyler Doyon, Scott Bailey-Hartsel, Sanchita Hati
Bersche, CarissaMOUniversity of Missouri-ColumbiaMOLife SciencesI plan on getting my Ph.D. in Cell and Molecular Biology followed by a postdoctoral fellowship in Plant Molecular Biology to prepare me for a career in academia as a Professor at an R1 university.Nina Wilson-KeenanAntje Heese, Lucia Strader, Kelly Mason
Bez, KrishangeeIAIowa State UniversityIAChemistryLearning chemistry gives me joy. I aspire to become a university professor and chart my independent research journey on energy security by pursuing a Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry as my first step.Kelli FitzpatrickEmily A. Smith, David W. McCamant
Bhargava, DivyaOHBowdoin CollegeMELife SciencesMD-Ph.D. with a Ph.D. in biochemistry. Conduct lab-based biomedical research and serve as a bridge to translate basic science results into clinical practice and gaps in care to future research.Corey ColwillDanielle H Dube, Daniel J Weisdorf, Angela Panoskaltsis Mortari
Bhargava, SatyajOHUniversity of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh CampusPAEngineeringM.D./Ph.D. in biomedical engineering, conducting university level research on the intersection of imaging technology and medicine, while practicing at a research-oriented medical center.Joshua CannonGeorge Stetten, James H-C Wang, Sravisht Iyer
Bilal, EeshaTXThe University of Texas at AustinTXEngineeringPh.D. in Mechanical Engineering with a concentration in thermal fluid systems. My professional aspirations involve developing engineering solutions to complex energy and sustainability issues.Douglas BrusterYael R. Glazer, Carolyn C. Seepersad, Michael E. Webber
Biro, EstherKYUniversity of MaineMELife SciencesI intend to pursue a Ph.D. in Biochemistry. I would like to conduct research in immunology and drug discovery, and work toward research and teaching roles at the university level.Robert WheelerJulie Gosse, Natalie Machamer, Sally Molloy
Blackburn, AdriahnaOKOklahoma State University-Main CampusOKLife SciencesPh.D. in microbiology. Conduct research in translational molecular biology and teach at the university level.Jessica SullinsMatthew Cabeen, Paul Kirchberger, George Huang
Blake, ConnorTXUniversity of ChicagoILChemistryPh.D. in nanoscale device theory and computation. Work in research and development towards implementations of precision information and molecular control on the nanometer scale.Jenna SarchioLiang Jiang, Shuolong Yang, Pierre Darancet
Bohde, MontgomeryTXTexas A & M University-College StationTXCISEPh.D. in Computer Science. Conduct research at the intersection of Machine Learning and Life Sciences. Continue research in industry after completing PhD.Michael Johnson Shuiwang Ji, Connor W. Coley, Meng Liu
Boler, SophiaNYMinerva UniversityCALife SciencesPh.D. in Biophysics. Conduct research at the intersection of computational, physical, and molecular biology to better understand and treat autoimmune diseases.Mateo CorbyAndy Berglund, Gabriele Fuchs, Allie Gale
Brady, CadeNCNorth Carolina State University at RaleighNCChemistryI plan to obtain a Ph.D. in Chemistry (with a focus on synthetic chemistry and/or chemical biology) and then go on to teach chemistry at the university level.Courtney HughesOwen Hughes
Brailer, NicholasMTMontana State University-BillingsMTGeosciencesPh.D. in Geochemistry. Conduct research in critical mineral extraction and refining in partnership with industry.Austin BennetJacob Thacker, Matt Queen, Michael Cuddy
Brattain, NatalieFLEmbry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona BeachFLLife SciencesPh.D. in Bioastronautics with a focus on aerospace medicine and the effects of space on the human body. Conduct research on developing countermeasures for spaceflight-associated health risks.Jennifer SchaefferAlba Chavez, Foram Madiyar, Jenny Vu
Brisky, TristenWIUniversity of PennsylvaniaPAMathematical SciencesPh.D. in Mathematics. Conduct research in algebra and teach at the university level.Michaile RaineyDennis DeTurck, Daniel Krashen, David Penneys
Brodsky, ErikMIMichigan State UniversityMIMathematical SciencesMy goal is to work as a mathematics professor, mentoring university students and leading research at the intersection of quantum algebra, geometry, and topology.Kristin JankaLeonid Chekhov, Jeffrey Kuan, Vijay Higgins
Bruda, GlennFLUniversity of FloridaFLMathematical SciencesPh.D. in Mathematics. Conduct research in various intersections of analysis, number theory, and combinatorics and teach at the university level.Jason MastrogiovanniSteven J. Miller, Henry Adams, Zachary Hamaker
Bruges, CedricMOWashington University in St LouisMOLife SciencesM.D./Ph.D. in Immunology/Cancer Biology. Create superior cell and gene therapies and enhance oncology patient care as a physician-scientist, educator, and independent PI.Brooke TaylorJohn DiPersio, Julie O'Neal
Brunetz, IanTNThe University of AlabamaALLife SciencesMasters in Ecology, Ph.D. in Ecotoxicology. Conduct research in ecotoxicology, write books to better communicate the findings of my field to the public, and one day teach at the university level.Jeff GrayCarla Atkinson, Krista Capps, Irene Sánchez González
Bury, OssyrisFLUniversity of Central FloridaFLEngineeringPh.D. in Aerospace Engineering. Conducting research and development for future spacecraft.Morgan BauerMaxwell J. Booth, Jeffrey L. Kauffman, Jacqueline Sullivan
Byer, BlakeORUniversity of KentuckyKYLife SciencesI will obtain a PhD in Neuroscience, with a focus on biological intelligence. My career goal is to develop new interdisciplinary technologies to elucidate the mechanisms of neuropsychiatric disease.Pat WhitlowJustin Miller, Shawn O'Neil, Melissa Haendel
Cabral, ElenaMAProvidence CollegeRILife SciencesPh.D. in Biochemistry. Conduct drug discovery research at a biotechnology company.Kathleen CornelyKristi Miller
Calahan, NatalieORColorado State University-Fort CollinsCOEngineeringPursue a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering to research regenerative medicine and cancer therapies.Mary SwansonSoham Ghosh
Campbell, ClaireILIllinois State UniversityILPhysics and AstronomyI plan to obtain a Ph.D. in astrophysics. Following this, I will pursue an academic career by conducting computational astrophysics research and teaching at the university level.Gina HunterMatt Caplan, James Kneller, John Blondin
Carline, KateTXCollege of William and MaryVALife SciencesPh.D. in Synthetic Biology focused on bioengineering microbial communities. Then, conduct phage engineering research in academic labs with start-up partnerships to create novel phage therapies.Michael ClayMargaret Saha, Daniel Cristol
Castaneda Gonzalez, Joan WAWashington State UniversityWAChemistryMy career goal is to work at a Research-Doctoral institution as a professor. I will lead a research program to advance synthetic methods of drug delivery and mentor future generations of scientists.Mary Sanchez-LanierAnjali Sharma, Ryan Joseph, Paul Frazey
Castellano, SerenIAUniversity of IowaIALife SciencesPh.D. in Evolutionary Biology. Conduct research investigating the genetics and anatomy across human ancestors.Kelly ThornburgMaurine Neiman, Andrew Kitchen, Joe Jalinsky
Castellion, CaitlynCOColorado School of MinesCOMaterials ResearchPh.D. in Chemistry with a focus in Biomaterials. Conduct research on genetic therapeutics and teach at a research university.Ashley WeibelRamya Kumar, Claire Nelson
Cerna, SophiaAZArizona State University-TempeAZLife SciencesPh.D. in Neuroscience. Conduct research in Developmental Neuroscience and teach at the university level.Kyle MoxMadeline Andrews, Benjamin Bartelle, Miyeko Mana
Chai, NathanOHBoston UniversityMALife SciencesObtain Ph.D. in Neuroscience with focus on neuroimaging. Conduct research integrating diverse sciences in academia and teach at the university level to advance understanding of the brain.Jeffrey BergAnna Devor, Martin Thunemann, Bradley Rauscher
Chan, TiffanyNJRutgers University-CamdenNJLife SciencesMD/PhD in neurophysiology. Conduct research in neural signaling and ion channel dysfunction, using electrophysiology and in silico techniques, advancing therapies and teach at the university level.Laura CollinsSusy C. Kohout, Nathan Fried, Victoria C. Young
Chandrasekaran, AvvaiGAGeorgia State UniversityGACISEI will secure a Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning with a focus on computational ethics. Conduct research on developing ethical autonomous AI agents in an industry setting.Gigi RayRajshekar Sunderraman, Jonathan Shihao Ji, Erin Zaroukian
Chen, AnnaPABowdoin CollegeMEPhysics and AstronomyPh.D. in relativistic astrophysics. Research using computational techniques that build models of, for example, neutron stars and blackholes, to study scenarios involving strong gravitational fields.Corey ColwillThomas W. Baumgarte, Katharine Reeves, Xiaoyan Xie
Chen, CaitlynMAUniversity of PennsylvaniaPAEngineeringM.D./Ph.D. in Bioengineering. Conduct research to harness biological power to develop devices such as diagnostic microsensors for neuromuscular disorders, and teach at the university level.Michaile RaineyMark Allen, Yoichiro Mori, Donhee Ham
Chen, JonathanIANorthwestern UniversityILGeosciencesPh.D. in Paleontology or Geoscience. Research the geochemistry and evolution of foraminifera during intervals of prehistoric climate change and teach as a university professor or a museum curator.LaTanya WilliamsBrad Sageman, Andrew Jacobson, Brian Huber
Chen, KyleMOCalifornia Institute of TechnologyCAEngineeringPh.D. in Mechanical Engineering. Conduct groundbreaking research as a university professor and develop cutting-edge thermal technologies that impact human society.Kristin WeymanJean-Philippe Avouac, Chiara Daraio, Guillaume Blanquart
Chimbo Macancela, JalyNYLafayette CollegePALife SciencesPursue a DMD-PhD and conduct microbiology and genetics research on oral diseases that impact underserved communities.Julia GoldbergHeidi Hendrickson
Chin, JohnMADartmouth CollegeNHEngineeringPhD in biomedical engineering with a research focus in neuroengineering. Afterwards, join or start a company that develops AI-powered devices to treat brain diseases.Christie HarnerTomaso Poggio, Abigail Marsh, Irving Bigio
Chiu, CamilleTXYale UniversityCTPhysics and AstronomyPh.D. in Astrophysics. Conduct research on stellar and galactic astronomy and teach at the university level.Alison BumkeMarla Geha, Dan Huber, Yaguang Li
Choi, AlissaWIUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonWIGeosciencesI intend on pursuing a PhD in geoscience. Following that, I plan on conducting research and teaching in the field of low temperature geochemistry and paleoclimate at a university.Julie StubbsSarah Aarons, Ed Brook, Chloe Bonamici
Chopra, RohanMANortheastern UniversityMAMedicineMD-PhD in Computational Health. Conduct biomedical and public health research and practice medicine as a physician-scientist, advancing healthcare through innovation at an academic medical center.Sara NelsonSameer Antani, Alisa Lincoln, Winston Kennedy
Cicero, MargoILUnited States Naval AcademyMDEngineeringI plan to earn a Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering, then lead research in nuclear energy working to solve climate change as a green energy solution specifically on developing new reactor technologies.Peter BreretonJoseph Latta, Robert Fishman, Mark Murray
Clemente, Ashley NYFordham UniversityNYChemistryPh.D. in Biochemistry. I plan to become a tenured faculty member conducting biochemistry research for cutting-edge therapeutics.Lorna RonaldNicholas Sawyer
Cole, AnisaTXPrairie View A & M UniversityTXLife SciencesM.D./Ph.D. in Molecular Microbiology and Immunology. Conduct research on oncogenic viruses and their associated malignancies using advanced in vitro models and translate findings into clinical trials.Quincy MooreNaznin Sultana, Benjamin Gewurz, Quincy Moore
Collins, AdaNCRhodes CollegeTNPhysics and AstronomyPh.D in Particle Physics. Conduct research within high-energy physics to explore beyond the standard model and understand fundamental universal interactions.Kelly DoughertyJannicke Pearkes, Tamar Avineri, Gregory Vieira
Connor, IsabelleCAUniversity of California-Santa CruzCAPhysics and AstronomyObtain a Ph.D. from a leading university in preparation for a career at the forefront of high-energy astrophysics research, while making a positive impact on the STEM community.Lynell SpencerEnrico Ramirez-Ruiz, Sierra Dodd, Katie Auchettl
Conrad, BenOHOhio State University-Main CampusOHChemistryI will to pursue a PhD in chemistry to become a professor and conduct research focusing on the development of modular targeted drug delivery technologies for oncological applications.Janet SchroederJonathan R. Parquette, Edgar Lopez-Torres
Cook, ChristopherTXSouthern Methodist UniversityTXPhysics and AstronomyI plan on pursuing a Ph.D. in physics after graduation, doing research in Cosmology and Astrophysics. I hope to become a professor, teaching and performing research,Brandon MillerRobert Kehoe, Joel Meyers
Coyle, HenryVAWest Virginia UniversityWVEngineeringI plan to earn a Ph.D. in aerospace engineering to spend my career researching and developing automated spacecraft for space exploration.Candice BrownPatrick Browning, Konstantinos Sierros, John Kuhlman
Cummins, AlexandraKSMidAmerica Nazarene UniversityKSLife SciencesPh.D. in biochemistry to conduct research in the field and teach at a collegiate level.Chelsea ComadollChelsea Comadoll, Rion Taylor, Abby Hodges
Cutler, DavidMATufts UniversityMAMathematical SciencesI intend to get a PhD in pure mathematics. I wish to conduct research on the confluence of analysis and geometry and teach general mathematics at the university level.Carmen LoweKasso Okoudjou, Loring Tu, Tamás Darvas
Dahlgren, SofiaWAUniversity of Washington-Seattle CampusWAEngineeringI aim to obtain a Ph.D. in chemical engineering and pursue academic research in nanotechnology for biomedical applications.Chetana AcharyaElizabeth Nance, Christine Payne, Allison Perez
Das, Amrita NYFordham UniversityNYMedicinePursue an MD/PhD in Cancer Biology. Conduct research and develop innovative nano-scale therapeutics to target gastric cancer.Lorna RonaldIpsita Banerjee, Lorna Ronald, Mary Biggs
Davis, JamesCANorthern Arizona UniversityAZMaterials ResearchI will pursue Ph.D. in Biochemistry focusing on soft materials research and teach at the university level, empowering underrepresented students to pursue research careers.Andrea GravesNaomi Lee, Katherine McJunkin, Dr. Gabriel Montaño
De Carlo-McCann, LukeNJOberlin CollegeOHGeosciencesPh.D. in Polar Sciences. Research cryospheric stability and how changes in polar ice impact human populations and local ecosystems in polar and subpolar regions.Danielle AbdonVeronica Padilla Vriesman, F. Zeb Page
de la Torre, OscarILUniversity of GeorgiaGALife SciencesPh.D. in Genetics with an emphasis on Plant Science. Conduct research in crop molecular genetics at the university level and implement genetic technologies to engineer desirable plant traits.Jessica HuntBenton Taylor, Chung-Jui (CJ) Tsai, Heather Gladfelter
Denby, KatalynAZWashington and Lee UniversityVAGeosciencesPh.D. in geomorphology. Conduct research on fluvial geomorphology and teach at a university.Matthew LoarDavid Harbor, Lyman Persico, Mengying Liu
Desai, SaraOHCase Western Reserve UniversityOHLife SciencesPh.D. in Biochemistry. Establish a lab at the university level and conduct basic research in the biomedical sciences.LaTasha JohnsonDivita Mathur, Susan Wang
Dissanayake, WimethNYUniversity of RochesterNYLife SciencesPh.D. in Cell Biology. Interested in conducting basic science immunology research and teaching courses at the university level.Belinda ReddenShu Chi Yeh, Julia von Blume
DiVincenzo, ClaraNCUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel HillNCGeosciencesPh.D. in Marine Biology. Conduct research in coral biology and teach at the university level.Marc HowlettKarl Castillo, Kate Quigley
Do, AnnieCAUniversity of California-San DiegoCAMedicineM.D. and Ph.D. in Cancer Biology. Study the pathophysiology of human cancers and develop novel therapeutic modalities.David ArtisWeg M. Ongkeko
Donato, NatalieCAOregon State UniversityORLife SciencesObtain a Ph.D. in sensory biology of marine animals. Become an educator at a university level and a science communicator focused on interdisciplinary approaches to science by incorporating my artwork.LeAnn Joy AdamTaylor Chapple, David "Ed" Edwards, John Dickens
Doshi, DevNJNew Jersey Institute of TechnologyNJMedicinePursuing an M.D./Ph.D. in neuroscience to advance understanding of neural disorders and develop innovative treatments, while providing compassionate care at a medical research center.John CarpinelliErin Flaherty, Shinichi Oka, Jay Jones
Dougherty, ElizabethIAIowa State UniversityIAMedicineMy goal is to pursue a Ph.D in Biochemistry with a focus in biomedical science to prepare for a career in disease and drug development research.Kelli FitzpatrickDipali Sashital, Eric Underbakke, Colin Kenny
Doyle, AlenkaPATrinity CollegeCTLife SciencesI will complete a PhD in neuroscience. As a professor at an undergraduate institution, I will investigate memory and reward in the brain using computational methods.Alison DraperMichael A. Grubb, Alison Draper,
Du, EmilyCAUniversity of California-BerkeleyCALife SciencesM.D./Ph.D. in Developmental Biology. Practice in a surgical subspecialty, conduct research in the ontogeny of congenital disorders and lead an NIH-funded research lab as a physician-scientist.Alicia HayesShashank Gandhi, Richard Harland, Marcus Muench
Ebbert, JoshuaTNBrigham Young University-ProvoUTMedicineM.D./Ph.D. in artificial intelligence for biomedicine. Drive translational research in deep learning networks, particularly in the design and optimization of cancer therapeutics and diagnostics.Barry BickmoreDennis Della Corte, Rahmi Oklu, Hassan Albadawi
Eberhardt, JulianaALUniversity of Alabama at BirminghamALPsychologyPh.D. in Cognitive Neuroscience. I hope to become a principal investigator and professor at a research-focused university, teaching and conducting research on sensory integration in autism.Cristin GavinJeremy Herskowitz
Edwards, VeeORWhitman CollegeWAChemistryI intend to complete a Ph.D. in Chemistry. I will use my degree to conduct research in theoretical and computational chemistry and teach at the university level.Moira GreshamMark Hendricks, Jessica Hernandez, Moira Gresham
Eichler, MelanieOHAshland UniversityOHChemistryPh.D. in Biochemistry. Conduct biochemistry research, specifically focusing on biomedical applications, and teach at the university level.Jeff WeidenhamerNicholas Johnson, Cindy Perkovich, Jeffrey Weidenhamer
Eksioglu, DenizINPurdue University-Main CampusINEngineeringPh.D. in Biomedical Engineering with a focus on biomaterials and electronics. Conduct research on biomaterials to enhance implantable medical devices.Veronica SchirmJae Young Park, Elizabeth Olivo, Qiwei Dong
Elayaperumal, Sreenidhi NCUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel HillNCEngineeringM.D.-Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering. I hope to become a physician-scientist at an academic institution, using my clinical background to serve patients and guide my research in vascular engineering.Marc HowlettManu Platt, William Polacheck, Wen Yih Aw
Erickson, AnnaMNMontana State UniversityMTPsychologyPh.D. in Developmental Neuropsychology. My career goal is to perform research on the cognition of childhood neurodivergence in an academic setting.Durward SobekNadezhda (Nadya) Modyanova, Bernadette McCrory, Mary Cloninger
Ewe, MarcTXTrinity UniversityTXChemistryObtain a Ph.D. in synthetic organic chemistry. Conduct research on the development of small molecule drugs and their interface with biologics for industry.David PooleyAdam R. Urbach
Fadgen, AndrewPASaint Joseph's UniversityPAChemistryPh.D. in Computational Chemistry. Conduct research in computational chemistry, with a focus on applications to medicinal chemistry and drug discovery/development.Enrique Téllez-EspigaPreston Moore, Catherine Bentzley, Wendy Walsh
Fang, AmandaCAUniversity of California-IrvineCALife SciencesMD/PhD in Neuroscience. I intend to become a physician-scientist who researches therapeutic targets for neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders while continuing to provide research mentorship.Rose JonesKevin Beier, Guilian Tian, Patrick Chen
Farag, AnnmarieTXTexas Tech UniversityTXLife SciencesMD/PhD in Neuroscience. I look to explore effects of therapeutic agents on brain metabolic syndrome to improve Alzheimer treatments and mentor underrepresented students into influential researchers.Archie PitsilidesArubala Reddy, Kumuda Das, Ezhumalai Muthukrishnan
Faraji, XagrosCAUniversity of California-Santa BarbaraCALife SciencesI aim to pursue a PhD in Biophysics and lead research integrating microfluidic technologies with fundamental biophysics to develop personalized, scalable, early diagnostics and preventative therapies.Nick Alward-SaxonLior Sepunaru, Daniel E Morse, Eloise Masquelier
Farmer, MilesMOUniversity of Missouri-ColumbiaMOCISEPh.D. in Computer Science. Conduct research focused on graph structured machine learning, primarily for applications in software security.Nina Wilson-KeenanEkincan Ufuktepe, Kannappan Palaniappan
Faulkner Valiente, AnalisaNJBarnard CollegeNYMathematical SciencesI hope to obtain a Ph.D. in Mathematics, and then conduct research in topology or number theory while teaching at the university level.Dana Muniz PachecoMike Miller Eismeier, Dusa McDuff, Michael Harris
Feist, KateMNLake Forest CollegeILLife SciencesPh.D. in Neuroscience. Lead a lab focusing on the cellular and physiological basis of mental health in an academic setting and train future generations of STEM professionals.Alexandra OlsonShubhik DebBurman
Feng, AliceCAHarvard UniversityMALife SciencesPh.D. in Cancer Biology and Bioinformatics. Research cancer genomics to develop targeted therapies. Aspire to be university professor, lead research lab, and educate public about cancer & treatments.Pamela GaddiMatthew Meyerson, Alena Yermalovich, Ting Bao
Ferguson, CalyMDUniversity of Maryland-Baltimore CountyMDEngineeringMy goal is to become a principal investigator of a lab that innovates medical technology to make it more advanced and cost-effective.April HouseholderRamana Kumar Vinjamuri, Kafui Dzirasa, Peter DeCrescenzo
Finley, JacobKYUniversity of Notre DameINMedicineM.D./Ph.D. in Biophysics. Practice radiation oncology and conduct research that probes onco-molecular responses to radiation.Emily HuntSylwia Ptasinska, Steven H. Lin, Ian Carmichael
Fitzgerald, MadisonPADuquesne UniversityPAGeosciencesPhD in Environmental Health. Conduct research in water quality and apply it to public health.Kevin HendersonDavid Kahler, Jessica Needham, Nicola Falco
Frenk, SydneyKSKansas State UniversityKSChemistryPh.D. in Chemistry with a focus on water quality research.Beth PowersTakashi Ito, Ahmet Uysal
Frescura, AvaTXBaylor UniversityTXLife SciencesPh.D in toxicology. Conduct research in the pharmaceutical field or work for a university as a PI.Daniel BenyouskyMichelle Gaylord, Maria Teresa Fernandez-Luna, Ramon Lavado
Funke, AlaynaOHDuquesne UniversityPAChemistryPh.D. in synthetic chemistry. Investigate and synthesize organic/organometallic compounds for applications in healthcare.Kevin HendersonPaul Lummis, Christopher Cahill, Jennifer Aitken
Gage, DylanCAUniversity of San DiegoCAPhysics and AstronomyAfter attaining a Ph.D., I aspire to go into technology and work in an experimental setting, developing new tech or programs. I hope to apply my skillset in physics-based and mathematical reasoning.Curtis LoerRyan McGorty
Garcia, ElvinCACerritos CollegeCALife SciencesM.D./Ph.D. in Biochemistry. Develop gene editing therapies for SNPs and genetic diseases, translating research into targeted treatments for clinical applications.Timothy JuntillaMichael L. Hayes, Jeff Bradbury, Michelle Navarro Stieber
Garcia, MadelineKSEmory UniversityGAPhysics and AstronomyPh.D in Biophysics and pursue a career in research of biophysical applications to human health and society as a scientist in a national lab.Megan FriddleLidia Waidmann, Katherine Davis
Garrick, LydiaMTThe University of MontanaMTLife SciencesEarn a PhD in drug design and pursue a career in research to discover and develop birth control options for men.Kylla BenesMichelle Nemetchek, Travis Hughes, Asia Riel
Garza, MarcoTXThe University of Texas at San AntonioTXCISEPh.D. in Computer Engineering. Conduct research on cyber-physical systems and lead critical infrastructure security initiatives at a national laboratory.Andrew ChapmanGuenevere Chen, Saman Zonouz, Jonathan Jacob Hernandez
Garzon, AlexandraNYStevens Institute of TechnologyNJEngineeringI aim to pursue a PhD in chemical engineering, focusing on sustainable pollutant extraction, and to become a research professor leading a laboratory to educate engineers on environmental impacts.Andrés MansisidorAlyssa Hensley
Gee, DillonTXTexas State UniversityTXMaterials ResearchAfter finishing an MD/PhD degree in bioengineering, investigating new drug delivery methods to treat chronic illnesses like Type II Diabetes, I will lead an NIH-funded lab in biomaterial engineering.Cathlin NoonanTania Betancourt, Cathlin Noonan, Nathaniel Conrad
Geiger, AbraNYCornell UniversityNYPhysics and AstronomyI intend to obtain a Ph.D. in physics. I plan to conduct research in gravitational astrophysics and teach at the university level.Krista SaleetJames Cordes, Michael Lam, Shami Chatterjee
Geleta, AidenFLFlorida Atlantic UniversityFLLife SciencesWith a Ph.D. in Neuroscience, I will pursue a faculty position at a research university to study neuropsychiatric disorders and combat the stigma around these conditions through teaching and outreach.Jessica CornelySteven Shabel, Jennifer Krill, Erik Duboue
Genet, ErikIAGrinnell CollegeIAMaterials ResearchPh.D. in Materials Science. Research nanoscale properties of monolayers that detect hazardous chemicals and implement my work in international science policy at a national laboratory or a university.Ann LandstromMolly MacInnes, Kristen Burson, J. Anibal Boscoboinik
George, JamieMDCoastal Carolina UniversitySCGeosciencesPh. D. in Marine Biology. Conduct and publish research on deep sea ecology, biology, and the anthropogenic impacts on deep sea environments.Judith ZangAstrid Leitner, Eric Rosch, Erin Burge
Ghosh, MrigayuTXThe University of Texas at AustinTXEngineeringWith a PhD in Biomedical Engineering, I aspire to conduct pioneering research in stem cells and mechanobiology for tissue engineering. I will also mentor and teach students at the university level.Douglas BrusterAaron Baker, Christine Selhuber-Unkel, Scott Stevens
Gililland, KinlieTXUniversity of TulsaOKLife SciencesPhD in Neuroscience. Conduct systems and cognitive neuroscientific research in substance use disorder and addiction, focusing on the interplay of comorbidities to develop powerful interventions.Terrie ShipleyRobert Sheaff, Maria Ironside, Katelyn Mika
Gilman, PicoCAUniversity of California-Santa BarbaraCAMathematical SciencesProfessorship in mathematics in an algebraic field. Conduct research on both the analytical and the algebraic side to number theoretic conjectures and educate the next generation of mathematicians.Nick Alward-SaxonSteven J. Miller, Francesc Castella, Zheng Liu
Goel, ArulCAUniversity of California-Santa BarbaraCALife SciencesObtain an M.D. and Ph.D. in Molecular Biology. Conduct research to design cancer therapeutics and detection methods, ultimately facilitating translation of discoveries into practical applications.Nick Alward-SaxonMikhail Shapiro, Steven Rosen, Gautam Sethi
Gokie, EmilyNEThe University of AlabamaALEngineeringI want to earn a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering or Applied Physics and conduct research in the positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) field at NASA or a national lab, such as NIST.Jeff GrayThejesh N. Bandi
González, SophiaORSt Olaf CollegeMNPhysics and AstronomyI plan to earn a PhD in mathematical physics and work to resolve the contradictions between classical and quantum mechanics.Kristina GarrettAlden Adolph, Eric Hazlett, Vince Granquist
Grabill, MagdaleneMICalvin UniversityMIEngineeringI will pursue a Ph.D. in reaction engineering with a disciplinary focus on pharmaceutical engineering. I will conduct research on drug transportation and creation and teach at the university level.Christopher HarteminkDouglas Vander Griend, Roger DeKock, Jennifer VanAntwerp
Grant, AshleySCCollege of CharlestonSCGeosciencesPh.D. in Geology. Conduct research in Volcanology and High Temperature Geochemical Modeling and teach geology at the university level.Sidney WoramJohn Chadwick
Gratton, GraceMNEmbry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona BeachFLPhysics and AstronomyEarn a PhD in plasma physics, conduct research concerning coronal mass ejection predictions and teach at the university level.Jennifer SchaefferBryan Watson
Griffin, KieraTXBaylor UniversityTXLife SciencesPh.D. in genetics and genomics. Work as a principal investigator and run a research group analyzing the impacts of environmental toxicants on the regulation of the human genome at a top university.Daniel BenyouskyChristie Sayes, Rizalia Klausmeyer, Michelle Gonzalez
Griffith, SydneyGAUniversity of North GeorgiaGALife SciencesPh.D. in Wildlife Sciences. Conduct collaborative research to aid in offsetting anthropogenic effects and develop practical wildlife conservation effortsDavid PattersonAndrew Taylor, James Leaphart, David Patterson
Groff, ElisabethPAPennsylvania State University-Main CampusPALife SciencesMD/Ph.D. with a Ph.D. in Biochemistry. Conduct translational genetics research at an academic hospital.Tineka LebrunManuel Llinás, Laura Carrel, Gabriel Rangel
Guerrerio, JohnMDDartmouth CollegeNHCISEPh.D. in computer science focusing on AI alignment or AI safety. Conduct research, in academia or government labs, on secure, fair AI systems and security/privacy technologies that leverage AI.Christie HarnerDr. I-Jeng Wang, Professor Soroush Vosoughi, Professor Tim Pierson
Gupta, DevenCADuke UniversityNCEngineeringScientist and physician specializing in neuro-ophthalmology, researching mechanisms of optic neuropathies using advanced biomedical imaging technologies and developing novel therapeutic approaches.Gwen VolmarAdam Wax
Hamad, JenniferTXStanford UniversityCALife SciencesPh.D. in Biochemistry. Become a professor and lead scientist conducting research in immunology on the interface of chemical biology to solve our world's greatest health problems from cancer to HIV.Jen HopePaul A Wender, Crystal L Mackall, Justin Du Bois
Hamann, LukasMDTowson UniversityMDPhysics and AstronomyPh.D. in materials physics. Make discoveries in material physics to improve lives and the environment by advancing nuclear fusion. Conduct research and teach physics at a university as a professor.Mary Sajini DevadasVera Smolyaninova
Hambuchen, RachelORSkidmore CollegeNYChemistryPh.D. in atmospheric chemistry. I plan to combine my background in chemistry and earth science by researching the removal of air pollutants in a National Laboratory or government research agency.Marla MelitoJuan Navea, Kimberley Frederick, James Cizdziel
Hamrah, ArminCAClaremont McKenna CollegeCALife SciencesPh.D. in Computational Neuroscience. Study sleep and dreams with a focus on lucid dreaming and hypnopedia. Bring cutting-edge ML methods to neuroscience, by researching dreams and building sleep tech.Yi Shun LaiRemington Mallett, Jordan Weiss, TJ Tsai
Han, ElliePATemple UniversityPAPhysics and AstronomyPh.D. in Quantum Science/Engineering or Applied Physics. Conduct research in quantum computing hardware-software co-design at university or national lab.Barbara GorkaPeter Kogge, Peter Riseborough, Maria Iavarone
Han, HojinCOUnited States Military AcademyNYLife SciencesM.D./Ph.D. in Bioinformatics; become a physician-scientist who advances precision medicine through leveraging computational methods that enhance the quality of care for patients.Carolann KoleciSimuck F. Yuk, Keunhong Jeong, Ryan Limbocker
Hancock, LeviOHBrigham Young University-ProvoUTPhysics and AstronomyI intend to pursue a Ph.D. in Physics to advance fusion energy research and inspire the next generation of scientists as a university professor.Barry BickmoreRichard Sandberg, Arianna Gleason, Adra (Tory) Carr
Harrington, DanielFLTufts UniversityMAPhysics and AstronomyPh.D. in experimental atomic, molecular, and optical physics. Conduct research professionally.Carmen LoweAseema Mohanty, Christine McGinn, David Weld
Harville, KeelandTNPrairie View A & M UniversityTXMedicineMy career goals and professional aspirations are to pursue a medical scientist degree to practice medicine, conduct research on the patient population in which I serve, and to giveback as an educator.Quincy MooreQuincy Moore, Dennis Daniels, Kimberly Risma
Hatchett, SethTNThe University of Tennessee-MartinTNEngineeringObtain an MD/PhD and become the principal investigator of a research lab dedicated to using physiological signal processing and neuroimaging to understand how stimuli affect the nervous system.John GlassDr. Saman Sargolzaei, Dr. James Smart, Dr. Tony Jun Huang
Havel, HannahWINorthern Illinois UniversityILCISEMy goal is to obtain a Ph.D. in Computational Physics and research scientific computing and machine learning methods for nuclear reactor and materials physics.Connie StoreyChris McCord, Kirk Duffin, Alex Heifetz
Hawkins, SydneyNYSUNY at FredoniaNYLife SciencesPh.D. in Molecular Ecology. Combine molecular analyses with ecological approaches and teach at the university level.Thomas HegnaAllison Hrycik, Courtney Wigdahl-Perry, Natalie Gerber
Hazel, CorinneOHWest Virginia UniversityWVLife SciencesPh.D. in Microbiology. Work in a research position for the government or public university.Candice BrownDaniel Panaccione
Healzer, KatherineCAStanford UniversityCALife SciencesI aim to earn an M.D./Ph.D. in molecular biology to innovate novel glaucoma therapies to help restore vision worldwide. Ultimately, I aspire to conduct research and teach at the university level.Jen HopeJeffrey L. Goldberg, Tasneem Z. Khatib, Steven Banik
Henry, AvaMODrury UniversityMOLife SciencesI intend to obtain a Ph.D. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and conduct research on climate change and its effect on the biodiversity of marine or terrestrial ecosystems.Shelley WolbrinkKevin Jansen, Megan Ealy, Rachael Day
Hess, JocelynTNThe University of Tennessee-KnoxvilleTNEngineeringPh.D. in Materials Science and Engineering. Conduct research in sustainable polymeric composite materials and teach at the university level.Meredith Malburne-WadeDavid Harper, David Keffer, Oluwafemi Oyedeji
Hickey, GraceFLFlorida State UniversityFLLife SciencesPh.D in Environmental Neuroscience. Conduct research on the interaction between anthropogenic environmental changes, neurodevelopment, and social behaviors.Jesse WielandElizabeth Hammock, Alicia Gonzalez, Marisa McDonald
Hoffmann-Weitsman, JonahOHHaverford CollegePAChemistryPh.D. in Inorganic Chemistry. Specialize in sustainable materials research, with an emphasis on clean energy solutions and developing biodegradable materials with practical applications.Jason Chan Alex Norquist, Carol Hua, Leah Seebald
Holder, EmilyTXThe University of Texas at San AntonioTXLife SciencesPh.D. in Neuroscience. Conduct research to advance our understanding of synaptic formation in brain disorders.Andrew ChapmanLindsey Macpherson, Jennifer Donegan, Shannon Landon
Homan, DrewWIUnited States Military AcademyNYEngineeringPh.D. in Mechanical Engineering. Conduct research and development of microfluidic organ-on-a-chip biotechnology.Carolann KoleciEmine Foust, Rakesh Dubey, Andrew Banko
Horejsi, RachelMNUniversity of Wisconsin-Eau ClaireWILife SciencesMD/PhD in Molecular Biology. Provide medical care for patients, conduct research advancing molecular diagnostics, and mentor graduate and medical students in research.Erica BensonNicolas Wheeler
Howe, JohnTXUniversity of Notre DameINEngineeringPh.D in Electrical Engineering with a focus on semiconductor device physics. Conduct research on semiconductor memory technologies in industry.Emily HuntKai Ni, Svetlana Neretina, Mathew Morrison
Hoy, AugustusMEUniversity of MaineMEMaterials ResearchI plan to earn a Ph.D. in material science to research novel materials and manufacturing strategies to improve the feasibility of steam electrolysis.Robert WheelerXiao-Dong Zhou, Nicholas Bingham, Philip King
Jackson, AdrianNJRutgers University-New BrunswickNJEngineeringPh.D. in Controls and research career in manufacturing. Conduct research in advanced manufacturing to bring rapid, in-field part fabrication to dangerous, extreme, or sensitive environments.Anne WallenRajiv Malhotra, Devanshi Jackson, Anisha Jackson
Jancsy, KurtMAUniversity of Massachusetts-BostonMAMedicineA D.V.M./Ph.D. equips me to diagnose, treat, and research diseases like canine glioblastomas, advance comparative neuro-oncology, and mentor future clinician-scientists.Sumientra RampersadCatherine McCusker, Sumientra Rampersad, Shauna Kelly
Jefferson, AlexanderTXLone Star College SystemTXEngineeringPh.D. in Environmental Engineering. Conduct research in membrane distillation or other water treatment methods to develop efficient and economically feasible methods for desalination.Aurora LugoYinuo Noah Yao, Bryn Benford, Stephanie Kim
Jollie, DerekMTMontana State UniversityMTMathematical SciencesI want a PhD in Mathematics. Then I wish to become a professor where I perform mathematics research and teach.Durward SobekScott McCalla, Blair Davey, Hayden Schaeffer
Jung, LauraFLVanderbilt UniversityTNEngineeringPh.D. in Mechanical Engineering. Lead research and development of medical devices in academia and industry.Elizabeth Harrington LambertXiaoguang Dong, Michael Goldfarb
Kabbaj, NoahFLWashington University in St LouisMOLife SciencesPh.D. in Neuroscience and research career in psychiatric disease. Foster inclusivity and create/direct a program encouraging underrepresented students to pursue research careers in neuroscience.Brooke TaylorJordan G. McCall, Erik Herzog, James Skeath
Kabir, ShababOKGrinnell CollegeIAPhysics and AstronomyPh.D. in Quantum Information and Systems. Pursue research to advance the frontiers of quantum computing and lead pioneering initiatives within quantum physics and material science at national labs.Ann LandstromKristen Burson, J. Anibal Boscoboinik, Henry Lamm
Kailad, HarikeshMDUniversity of Maryland-College ParkMDCISEAttain a Ph.D. in computer science and math. Conduct research in both applied and theoretical cryptography and theoretical computer science. Teach others about cryptography at the university level.Robert InfantinoIan Miers, Dana Dachman-Soled, Bobby Bhattacharjee
Kalukin, AnandaVACornell UniversityNYLife SciencesPh.D. in Molecular and Cell Biology. Obtain academic position at a research institution to study immunology.Krista SaleetScott Keith, Andrea Darby, Brian Lazzaro
Karamchedu, MithraORHarvey Mudd CollegeCACISEPh.D. in theoretical computer science, with an emphasis on complexity theory and the design and analysis of algorithms. Conduct research in this field and teach at the university level.Elissa AvelarLucas Bang, Maria Klawe, Cristopher Moore
Kargbo, JariatuMDUniversity of Maryland-Baltimore CountyMDLife SciencesI aspire to earn a Ph.D. in genetics. After earning my research degree, I hope to utilize my knowledge of genetic technologies to develop gene therapies and produce compounds for drug development.April HouseholderPhyllis Robinson, Sebastian Lourido
Karinshak, MarileeGAWashington University in St LouisMOGeosciencesPh.D. in Earth System Science. Conduct geospatial research to forecast large-scale climate dynamics and develop effective resource management strategies to improve community resilience.Brooke TaylorKeith Gaddis, Kuo-En Chen, Karen DeMatteo
Karty, JacobNCElon UniversityNCCISEI plan to earn a Ph.D. in Robotics, carrying out research in agricultural robotics. My career goal is to work at a company like Agrobot, developing robots to make food production more efficient.Ann CahillJonathan Su, Blake Hament
Kates, JoshuaCOColorado State University-Fort CollinsCOEngineeringEarn a Ph.D. in Structural Engineering. Teach at the university level and conduct research in aerospace and civilian structures.Mary SwansonLouise Allen, Timothy Frank, Christian Sanner
Kebede, EthiopiaMNAugsburg UniversityMNPhysics and AstronomyI aspire to obtain a Ph.D in Astrophysics, conduct research in stellar physics and teach at the university level. I plan to publish academic support materials for physics and mathematics as well.Jacqueline deVriesMark Engebretson
Khan, AlviNYCUNY Bernard M Baruch CollegeNYLife SciencesM.D./Ph.D. in Neurobiology. Conduct research on the molecular basis of neuropsychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia and autism, while effectively treating patients suffering from such conditions.Valeria HrimnakHerbert Zheng Wu, Ph.D., Zachary Calamari, Ph.D., Ramzi Khuri,Ph.D.
Khan, MyraTXThe University of Texas at DallasTXMedicineM.D. in Gynecology/Ph.D. in Neuroscience. Conduct research looking at chronic pain associated with endometriosis, provide patient-centered care as a gynecologist, and instruct at a teaching hospital.Douglas DowBenedict Kolber, Nicole De Nisco, Eva LaDow
Khanfar, SultanFLUniversity of FloridaFLLife SciencesM.D./Ph.D. in Neuroscience. Uncover how neuroinflammation drives multi-system diseases, revealing universal mechanisms that link brain and body and translating discoveries into innovative therapies.Jason MastrogiovanniAline Oliveira, Andrew Bryant, Srinivasa Subramaniam
Khodabocus, AlishaVACollege of William and MaryVACISEPh.D. in data science to conduct research and teach at the university level. I am interested in applying machine learning to environmental/climate science.Michael ClayKristin Wustholz, John Bedford, Katy Rossiter
Killmer, SamanthaMIUniversity of WyomingWYLife SciencesAchieve a PhD in biology and earn a certification in data science. Lead studies to improve the methods used to collect and analyze biological data.Daniel GrayAdam Nelson, Nicole Bedford, Rachel Fanelli
Kim, NicholasCAUniversity of Southern CaliforniaCAEngineeringPh.D. in Biomedical Engineering. Research computational genomics and neuroimaging to advance gene therapies for neurodegeneration while teaching at the university level.Katie CapraAndrei Irimia, Paul Thompson, Paul Bogdan
Kim, TobiasPABucknell UniversityPAEngineeringMD/PhD in biomedical engineering focused on mechanobiology. Investigate the effects of mechanical stimuli on the human body as a physician-scientist at a medical school.Margaret MarrOlivia Boerman, Ashley Vater
King, GradyWVWest Virginia UniversityWVMathematical SciencesPh.D. in Data Science with a biomedical emphasis. Use data science and machine learning for research on the human microbiome and its influence on body systems and diseaseCandice BrownSrinivas Palanki, Nancy Guo, Earl Scime
Kinney, WesleyGAMercer UniversityGAEngineeringPh.D. in electrical engineering. Conduct systems and controls research for defense applications and teach at a research university.Adam KieferMakhin Thitsa, Kevin Barnett, Cody Fowler
Knigge, AlexandraNMUniversity of New Mexico-Main CampusNMCISEContribute to the future of sustainable computing and environmental modeling, complete a Ph.D. in Computer Science and teach the next generation of environmentally conscious computational scientists.Kiyoko SimmonsMatthew Fricke, Melanie Moses, Meghan Sahakian
Kobulnicky, TrentILIllinois State UniversityILChemistryI plan to obtain a Ph.D. in computational biochemistry and advance the study of simulated biological mechanisms. I also want to teach and inspire the next generation of chemists as a professor.Gina HunterGeorge Barnes, Jon Friesen, Jeremy Driskell
Kokkanti, AryanNCUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel HillNCLife SciencesMD/PhD in Molecular Biology. Work as professor leading a lab and conducting research on chromatin architecture of neural cells and provide neurological care for patients.Marc HowlettKerry Bloom, Elaine Yeh, Paula Vasquez
Komanduri, AbhinavARUniversity of ArkansasARCISEI will earn a Ph.D. in computer engineering, specializing in embedded systems and microelectronics. I want to lead research in post-Moore's law hardware while teaching as a professor.Suzanne McCrayAlexander Nelson
Kornfeld, SarahNYBoston UniversityMALife SciencesObtain a Ph.D. in biochemistry. Conduct research in drug discovery and teach at the university level.Jeffrey BergMikel Garcia-Marcos, Clementine Philibert
Kothandaraman, NaveenMAUniversity of VermontVTLife SciencesPh.D. in Cancer Biology. Conduct research focusing on cancer therapeutics at the university level.Rory WatermanNimrat Chatterjee, Joshua Victor, Kanayo Ikeh
Kottantharayil, ShivaniCAUniversity of Washington-Seattle CampusWAMaterials ResearchMy goal is to obtain a PhD in Bioengineering and work as a professor, conducting research on protein engineering methods for regenerative medicine, and teach at the university level.Chetana AcharyaCole DeForest, Murial Ross, Cindy Christopherson
Kowkabany, GabrielleFLThe University of AlabamaALEngineeringPh.D. in Clinical and Translational Science. Conduct translational research in oncology therapeutics, lead an NIH-funded research lab at a specialized research hospital, and run clinical trials.Jeff GrayYuping Bao, Emmanuel Gabriel, Jeff Gray
Kreuzer, NathanORVanderbilt UniversityTNLife SciencesPh.D. in microbiology with an emphasis on infectious diseases and parasitology. Conduct biomedical science research while teaching and mentoring students.Elizabeth Harrington LambertSandra Zinkel, Flaminia Catteruccia, Stefani Thomas
Krivitsky, SeanNYStony Brook UniversityNYLife SciencesPh.D. in Biochemistry. Conduct research as a university professor investigating mechanisms underlying diseases, such as cancer, and translate these findings into novel therapeutic strategies.Ashley StaplesJung-In Yang, Vinay Mandati
Kubovsky, MoniqueFLUniversity of FloridaFLPhysics and AstronomyPh.D. in Physics. Execute experimental condensed matter research in a university environment aimed at exploring the limits of unique magnetic effects.Jason MastrogiovanniAmlan Biswas, David B. Mitzi, Selman Hershfield
Kulkarni, KaivalyaMIPrinceton UniversityNJMathematical SciencesI plan to obtain a Ph.D in mathematics, and work on interesting problems in mathematics by myself, with students, and with collaborators.Deirdre MoloneyChris Skinner, Sam Mundy, Peter Ozsváth
Kunkelmann, KasonPAUniversity of PennsylvaniaPAPhysics and AstronomyPh.D. in theoretical and mathematical high energy physics. Conduct research in quantum field theory and quantum gravity and teach at the university level.Michaile RaineyEugene Mele, Justin Khoury
Lamberton, KatelynCOUniversity of DenverCOPsychologyPh.D. in Developmental Psychology. Research evidence-based interventions to break cycles of intergenerational trauma focused on parenting and childhood development.Lindsay LawtonSarah Huff, Angela Narayan, Ayelet Talmi
Lance, Harry ARHendrix CollegeAREngineeringPh.D. in Mechanical Engineering. Conduct research on thermal management of power electronics in a government or industry laboratory.Jenn DearoffDion Antao, Julie Gunderson, Jennifer Dearolf
Landwehr, AutumnMNUniversity of North DakotaNDPhysics and AstronomyI plan to pursue a Ph.D. in experimental physics, with a focus in quantum optics. I hope to have a career in academia, where I can both pursue research and teach at the university level.Yee Han ChuMarkus Allgaier, Yen Lee Loh, Kanishka Marasinghe
Languit, AnthonyNMUniversity of New Mexico-Main CampusNMLife SciencesPh.D. in Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology. Conduct research in biomedical science, focusing on tissue regeneration, and teach in an academic setting.Kiyoko SimmonsJudy Cannon, Larissa Shimoda, Jacelyn Lever
Lape, NoahPADickinson CollegePAPhysics and AstronomyI plan to Earn a PhD in condensed matter physics focusing on how special geometries allow for unique lattice dynamics and novel mechanisms for quantum phenomena like superconductivity.Amity FoxLars English, David Jackson, Shanti Deemyad
Latasa, MarcelCACornell UniversityNYPhysics and AstronomyPh.D. in Applied Physics. Conduct research in atomic and molecular physics.Krista SaleetGregory D. Fuchs, Jialun Luo
Lathrum, Kaylen CACreighton UniversityNEChemistryPh.D. in organic chemistry. Conduct organic synthesis research and teach at the university level.Erin GrossJames Fletcher, Gabriel Rivera
Latt, SunFLUniversity of Central FloridaFLMaterials ResearchMD/PhD in Tissue Engineering and Biomaterials. I will lead a lab inventing nanobiomaterials and advanced drug delivery systems while mentoring the next generation of scientists.Morgan BauerMehdi Razavi, Pedram Sotoudehbagha, Sanjeev Gurshaney
Laurin, TaylorMIHope CollegeMILife SciencesPh.D. in Biochemistry. I hope to conduct fundamental, translational research while teaching and mentoring students at the university level.Jonathan PetersonKristin Dittenhafer-Reed, Joseph Stukey, Maria Burnatowska-Hledin
Le, JackTXThe University of Texas at DallasTXCISEPh.D. in Computer Science. Conduct research in natural language processing and teach at the university level.Douglas DowKumiko Tanaka-Ishii, Julia Hsu, Ovidiu Daescu
Lee, NayoonPAUniversity of PennsylvaniaPAPhysics and AstronomyPh.D. in Medical Physics. Conduct research to improve radiography by implementing AI in patient treatment planning and developing novel imaging modalities. Teach at a university hospital.Michaile RaineyPiotr Zygmanski, Evelyn Thomson, A.T. Charlie Johnson
Lei, SamanthaCASanta Clara UniversityCAGeosciencesI plan to obtain a Ph.D. intersecting hydrology, biogeochemistry, and public health to pursue a federal research career examining groundwater flow, contaminant transport, and health impacts.On Shun PakIris Stewart-Frey, Aria Amirbahman, Benjamin Linhoff
Leonard, OwenINIndiana University-BloomingtonINPhysics and AstronomyPh.D. in Theoretical Physics, pursuing a career in academia. Research in high energy/dark matter theory.Jo Anne TracyRaymond Co, Raphael Abrahao, Constantine Deliyannis
Li, AnnabelleCASmith CollegeMAPsychologyObtain a Ph.D. in psychological and brain sciences, focusing on social cognitive neuroscience. Conduct research as a professor on the neural basis of social cognition and social connection in humans.Andrew DauschMaya Rosen, Mary Harrington, L. Kate Wright
Li, MarlynMANew York UniversityNYLife SciencesObtain an MD/PhD and pursue research in neuroscience to study neural development and communication in a translational context while teaching at the university level.Tara WheelwrightDena Goldblatt, David Schoppik
Lian, JuliannaFLMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyMAChemistryPh.D. in Organic Chemistry. Conduct research at the interface of synthetic chemistry and materials science, aided by computation, and teach at the university level.Dominique AltarejosAbraham Herzog-Arbeitman, Jeremiah A. Johnson, Soren Holm
Lile, SpencerARMississippi State UniversityMSEngineeringI will be a researcher and cardiologist who uses computational cardiology to develop and test patient-specific treatments for individuals with rare heart diseases.David HoffmanChristopher N. Johnson, Steven Gwaltney, Xin Zhang
Liu, MatthewINBrown UniversityRILife SciencesMD-PhD in Biochemistry and Chemical Biology. Conduct translational research to build novel biomedical tools and create analytical models; teach and advise university students.Joel SimundichJerome Robinson, Thaddeus Stappenbeck, Yao Chen
Liu, YanningNCUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel HillNCLife SciencesObtain PhD in Neuroscience. Investigate mechanisms of synaptic plasticity in simple model organisms as a professor of neuroscience.Marc HowlettToshihide Hige, Chad Heer, Rebecca Stephens
Lorio, GerardLALouisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical CollegeLAEngineeringObtain an M.D./Ph.D. in Biological Engineering. Perform research on integrated body-on-a-chip models for drug therapy to combat hard-to-treat cancers as an oncologist.Joseph GivensTodd Monroe, Dr., Nick Totara
Lucas, GrahamMDBowdoin CollegeMELife SciencesObtain a Ph.D. in biomechanics. I wish to undertake research that combines biology, math, and physics to study organisms and their environment and teach at a college or university.Corey ColwillAmy Johnson, Olaf Ellers, Patricia Jones
Lyon, AlexanderPAColby CollegeMEPsychologyPh.D. in Computational Neuroscience. Leverage computational and mathematical tools, including neural networks, to tackle questions the brain poses. Develop engaging lectures at the university level.Lindsey MadisonLayton, Youngs, Martin
Madireddy, Indeever CACalifornia Institute of TechnologyCALife SciencesPh.D. in virology. Conduct research on virus-host interactions to develop novel antiviral therapeutics and vaccines. Lead a university laboratory with a strong focus on undergraduate mentorship.Kristin WeymanPamela Bjorkman, Kaihang Wang, Gozde Demirer
Magstadt, AlexaKSUniversity of KansasKSMedicineI aspire to obtain an M.D./Ph.D. in Cancer Biology. I aim to conduct fundamental science research examining the biological mechanisms of cancer progression with an integrated, patient-informed focus.Erin WolframDan Dixon, Mikhail Barybin, Cindy Berrie
Maher, KaylinCTWesleyan UniversityCTLife SciencesPh.D. in Molecular Biology. Conduct research on the role of epigenetic reprogramming in tumor progression and teach at the university level.Erica KowszScott Holmes
Mahmood, LaibaNYCUNY Queens CollegeNYGeosciencesPh.D. in Planetary Science to investigate planetary habitability and the co-evolution of life and the environment, aiming for a career in research advancing our understanding of life.Rebecca BaronJenan J. Kharbush, Dara Laczniak, Pedro Val
Maki, LukeMTUnited States Air Force AcademyCOLife SciencesPh.D. in Synthetic Biology. Advance sustainable agriculture through GMO crop research and education.Maila HallareTimm Knoerzer, Derek Barthels, Michael Mechikoff
Mardikar, AashayWIUniversity of RochesterNYLife SciencesM.D./Ph.D. in Biochemistry. Conduct research on the molecular mechanisms of neurological diseases, develop therapies for their treatment, and teach at an academic medical center.Belinda ReddenNicholas Reiter, Paul Dunman, Dragony Fu
Markarian, EricCAStanford UniversityCALife SciencesM.D./Ph.D. in Neuroscience. Research neuromodulation to enhance stroke recovery and treat neurodegenerative disease, while training the next generation of physician-scientists in an academic hospital.Jen HopeRaag Airan, James Tabibian, Waheeda Khalfan
Marmande, Mary HeleneALUniversity of South AlabamaALMedicineI want to pursue an M.D./Ph.D. in biochemistry and medicinal chemistry to focus on drug discovery.David ForbesRichard Honkanen, David Forbes
Marple, ChloeCAPomona CollegeCAMathematical SciencesPh.D. in Mathematics. Conduct research in low-dimensional topology and teach at the university level.Mal RiggioKonrad Aguilar, Helen Wong, Colin Adams
Martinez, TrevorTXTexas A & M University-College StationTXLife SciencesPursue a Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular Biology. Ultimately conduct research to work on medicinal therapeutics within a biotechnology setting and later potentially teach in academia.Michael Johnson Richard H. Gomer, Darrell Pilling, Sumana Datta
Martinez Sandoval, Aleisha MEBates CollegeMELife SciencesMD/PhD in genetics and genomics. I plan to spearhead translational research and clinical care focusing on the genetic drivers of cardiovascular disease at an academic medical center.Robert StrongPeizhe Wang, April Horton, Daniel Slane
Mashkow, Shelby (Nyx)SCClemson UniversitySCMaterials ResearchEarn a Ph.D. in Polymer Science. Pursue research centered on biomaterials in a national laboratory.Robyn CurtisChris Cole, Griffin Donley
Maskey, NehaNYCUNY Hunter CollegeNYLife SciencesMD/PhD in Immunology. Conduct research integrating immunology and neuroscience as a physician-scientist and conduct clinical trials in Inflammatory Bowel Disease.Stephen LassondeAdam Wang, Felix Chuang, Jose Mendoza Lopez
Mata Lopez, LuizMDUniversity of Maryland-College ParkMDCISEI will pursue a PhD in computer science, specializing in computational biology. I aspire to become a professor and lead work on methods to better understand the origins of genetic disorders.Robert InfantinoErin Molloy, Zhou Dong
Mathur, PranavVAPrinceton UniversityNJPhysics and AstronomyPhD in Quantum Science and Engineering. Afterwards, I will work in either industry or academia, aiming to eventually lead a research group that works on scaling quantum computing systems.Deirdre MoloneyJeff Thompson, Joe Britton, Nathalie de Leon
Matic, KatarinaCAUniversity of San DiegoCAMaterials ResearchPh.D. in Material Science & Engineering. Conduct research in responsive biomaterials with a medical application in an industry setting.Curtis LoerRae Robertson-Anderson, Ryan McGorty, Theodore Dezen
Maydan, DanielleNYColumbia University in the City of New YorkNYMedicineAs an aspiring MD, I hope to become a physician-scientist and dedicate my career to computational research guided by clinical insights.Ariella LangDana Pe'er, Cassandra Burdziak, Elham Azizi
Mazumder, AnirudhTXUniversity of North TexasTXCISEPh.D. in Computer Science. Conduct research and develop bioinformatics applications that expedite diagnostic processes, predict treatments, and use soft robots to deliver drugs inside the human body.James DubanThomas George Thuruthel, Rajeev K. Azad, Haoqi Sun
McCarty, AriannaCOUniversity of Colorado BoulderCOEngineeringPh.D. in Biomedical Engineering. Conduct academic research creating novel biomaterials designed to interact with the microbiome and immune system, and teach at a R1 university.Anne DoughertySarah E. Clark, Kenneth M. Monks, Ryan Layer
McClurkin, KelseaCOVanderbilt UniversityTNLife SciencesM.D./Ph.D. in Neuroscience. Conduct translational research in underrepresented populations that are neurodiverse. Teach about the intersection between science and medicine at a collegiate level.Elizabeth Harrington LambertTiffany Woynaroski, Katherine Friedman, Elizabeth Catania
McCollum, CadenOHMiami University-OxfordOHPhysics and AstronomyPh.D. in Physics. Conduct research in quantum sensing technologies and teach at the university level.Paul UrayamaImran Mirza, Samir Bali, Burçin Bayram
McConnell, FrancesMNMacalester CollegeMNCISEPh.D. in Computer Science. Conduct interdisciplinary research to inform meaningful science policy, mentor students underrepresented in STEM, and teach at the university level.Brigetta AbelLori Ziegelmeier, Russell Funk
McEntarffer, AshtonSCClemson UniversitySCCISEAchieve a Ph.D in Computer Science. Conduct research with an emphasis on machine learning and teach students as a professor at an R1 institution.Robyn CurtisMert Pese, Linxi Zhang
McGinnis, DuncanKYCentre CollegeKYLife SciencesPh.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Conduct research on improving genetic testing for Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease, lead a PKD research center and teach at the graduate level.Kelly O'QuinPeter Harris, Melissa Mefford, Hana Yang
McGregor, LindenKYUniversity of South Carolina-ColumbiaSCLife SciencesI will earn a PhD in biochemistry and pursue a career in academia as a professor. My aim is to advance understanding of metabolic and neurological disorders and to provide mentorship to students.Jennifer BessCaryn Outten, Chintan Kikani, W. L. D. S. Maleesha
McLellan, MoriahCAUniversity of San DiegoCAChemistryI plan to obtain my Ph.D. in organic chemistry, going on to conduct research in medicinal chemistry in the biotechnology field.Curtis LoerTimothy Clark
Medha, TanishaNMUniversity of New Mexico-Main CampusNMLife SciencesEarn a Ph.D. in Developmental Genetics and conduct research focused on epigenetic mechanisms. Develop novel therapeutic targets and lead projects as a principal investigator at a national lab.Kiyoko SimmonsDaniel Sherbenou, Melissa Emery Thompson, Peng Mao
Mendoza, LaurenNYBard CollegeNYPhysics and AstronomyPh.D. in Astronomy. Conduct astronomical research with a focus on the solar system with an involvement in building instrumentation. Conduct research in science communication and teach undergraduates.Molly FreitasClara Sousa-Silva, Paul Cadden-Zimansky, Jason Dittmann
Mendoza, MarisaCACalifornia State University-San MarcosCALife SciencesPh.D in Microbiology. Conduct research in the biomedical research working with non-profit organizations.Robert IafeElinne Becket
Merchant, GabrielALUniversity of South AlabamaALChemistryI plan to earn a Ph.D. in chemistry, specializing in bioinorganic chemistry. I will study inorganic compounds to understand and mitigate their adverse effects on the environment and human health.David ForbesJames Davis, Terrence Ravine, Mark Gordon
Mesicek, LukasUTUniversity of UtahUTPhysics and AstronomyI aim to attain a doctorate in physics and work as a professor at a research university, teaching and applying innovative computational methods to questions in gravitational physics.Alison ShimkoJohn Belz, Anton Burtsev
Meyer, KaiaMNGustavus Adolphus CollegeMNLife SciencesPh.D. in Cellular and Developmental Biology. Pursue research at an academic institution studying the molecular mechanisms involved in developmental and musculoskeletal biology.Pamela KittelsonYuta Kawarasaki, Rahul Kanadia, Saren Springer
Michel Gonzalez, Victor FLMiami Dade CollegeFLMathematical SciencesPh.D. in Mathematics. Conduct advanced research in pure mathematics and mentor students in scientific research.Magda CastineyraFelix Gotti, Harold Polo, Jyrko Correa-Morris
Migliaccio, AnaliseMTUnited States Air Force AcademyCOChemistryEarn a Ph. D. in Chemistry. Conduct basic chemical research with potential DOD aerospace applications.Maila HallareScott T. Iacono, Michael A. Hyland
Mohammed, MohammedIABates CollegeMECISEMy goal is to earn a PhD in Bioinformatics and Masters of Public Health. I plan to conduct bioinformatics research and leverage my work to significantly improve patient and public health outcomes.Robert StrongJoshua Zhu, April Horton, Jennifer L. Koviach-Côté
Morgan, LuisaNHReed CollegeORLife SciencesM.D./Ph.D. in biochemistry with a focus on structural biology and structure-based drug discovery. Investigate molecular mechanisms of proteinopathies.Nate MartinShivani Ahuja, Gonzalo Campillo-Alvarado, Andrew Emili
Motati, SaikiranTXUniversity of North TexasTXChemistryI plan to become a PI in solvation chemistry at a major research university, with a research focus on developing novel, precision-engineered therapeutic delivery systems.James DubanWilliam Acree, William H. Green, Emad Al Ibrahim
Munoz, SaimonthPALehigh UniversityPAPhysics and AstronomyI want to pursue a Ph.D. in condensed matter physics to study quantum-entangled systems, using fundamental research to propel innovations in environmental and societal benefit.Bill HunterIvan Biaggio, Gerald Curran III, Indara Suarez
Munzing, MitchelMNAugsburg UniversityMNChemistryPh.D in Chemistry. Conduct research in organic and green chemistry and either enter the industry or teach at the University level.Jacqueline deVriesMichael Wentzel, Amanda Case, Jacob Troutman
Myers, NicolaIDWhitman CollegeWAChemistryPh.D. in Chemistry. Conduct research on materials for energy applications. Mentor students as a professor at a research-focused liberal arts college.Moira GreshamMark Hendricks, Jon Collins, Nate Boland
Narang, KushCAUniversity of California-DavisCAMedicineMD, Pediatric Emergency Medicine; PhD, Machine Learning. Work as an ER doctor at a major children's hospital, leading a research group that uses machine learning for drug design and diagnostics.Scott PalmerVladimir Yarov-Yarovoy, Simon K. S. Chu, Amanda E. Downey
Nashabeh, LucaCAColumbia University in the City of New YorkNYPhysics and AstronomyAfter receiving a Ph.D. in physics—condensed matter specifically—I plan to pursue a career in academia as a researcher and educator.Ariella LangMorgan Thinel, Héctor Ochoa, Abhay Pasupathy
Navea, MadelinePADrexel UniversityPAPsychologyPh.D. in Clinical Psychology. Studying underlying mechanisms of self-injurious behaviors using computational modeling and deep learning.Leah GatesJannah Moussaoui, Elizabeth Velkoff, Stephanie Manasse
Nevels, NashOKOklahoma State University-Main CampusOKChemistryMy goal is to obtain my Ph.D. in chemistry. Conduct research in new synthetic approaches to heterocyclic compounds and teach at an R1 institution.Jessica SullinsChristopher Fennell, Spencer Pitre, Richard Bunce
Newman, TristaPADuquesne UniversityPALife SciencesPh.D. in biochemistry and microbiology. Conduct research in disease and therapeutics research.Kevin HendersonDavid. B. Heisler, David W. Seybert
Ngo, LaceyVAVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State UniversityVAMedicineM.D./Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering. Conduct clinical research to make noninvasive and affordable healthcare advancementsChristina McIntyreJohn Robertson, Ryan Senger, Carla Finkielstein
Nguyen, CarolynCAUniversity of California-BerkeleyCALife SciencesPh.D. in Biomedical Science. Lead an industry research group to develop treatments for cancer using CRISPR epigenetic editing tools and iPSC-derived therapeutics.Alicia HayesJames Nuñez, Matthew Spitzer, Jefferson Chan
Nguyen, HansonAZArizona State University-TempeAZEngineeringPh.D. in Electrical Engineering or Applied Physics. Conduct research to develop quantum and electronic devices.Kyle MoxJoseph M. Lukens, Nicholas Rolston, Karl K. Berggren
Njei, Lea-PearlMDUniversity of Maryland-Baltimore CountyMDLife SciencesMy goal is to become a physician-scientist specializing in the care of patients with gastrointestinal cancer and pursuing basic science studies of these malignancies.April HouseholderJean-Pierre Raufman, Fred Gorelick, Basile Njei
Noel, JaredARUniversity of ArkansasARLife SciencesI will obtain a Ph.D. in computational biology and pursue a research career developing mathematical models of biochemical systems to aid in the discovery and design of personalized medical therapies.Suzanne McCrayJin-Woo Kim, Gregory Schwartz, William Richardson
Noonan, CaitlinCTUniversity of ConnecticutCTEngineeringPhD in Chemical Engineering in environmental pollutant adsorption to reduce climate change. Turn trash into treasure by designing waste-derived adsorbents for a landfill-free, net zero emissions worldMichael CunninghamIoulia Valla, Stoyan Bliznakov, Jennifer Pascal
Ogden, AliyahILBaylor UniversityTXLife SciencesI plan to obtain a Ph.D. in Neuroscience and then conduct research, lead a university lab, and teach at the university level.Daniel BenyouskyJacques Nguyen, Rizalia Klausmeyer
Olofinyolemi, TimilehinPATemple UniversityPAEngineeringPh.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Conduct research at a national laboratory developing machine learning-based medical diagnostic and treatment systems.Barbara GorkaJoseph Picone, Iyad Obeid, Sadia Afrin Purba
O'Neill, ReganSCClemson UniversitySCEngineeringPhD in mechanical engineering. Conduct propulsion systems research at a national lab to improve the feasibility and sustainability of space travel through advancing launch vehicle systems.Robyn CurtisQiushi Chen, Steve Kaeppler, Yuhao Xu
Otuonye, NnekaGAGeorgia State UniversityGALife SciencesI will obtain M.D./Ph.D. degrees in Neuroscience and seek to conduct research in neuroimmunology to develop novel therapeutics in precision-medicine as a physician-scientist.Gigi RayJessica Bolton, Jonathan Sylvester, Julie Rhoades
Owens, AllisonNCUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel HillNCMathematical SciencesPh.D. in Biostatistics. Solve national and global issues in public health using data and contribute to health policy. Conduct public health research and teach at the university level.Marc HowlettRobert Gotwals, Lauren Brinkley-Rubinstein, Annie Green Howard
Owusu-Hienno, ValerieORUniversity of OregonORLife SciencesMy aim is an M.D./Ph.D. in Epidemiology. I aspire to be a physician-scientist in Ghana treating patients, researching to improve maternal health, and running a global health medical residency.Kevin HatfieldKathryn Mills, Jarcy Zee, Dare Baldwin
Oxford, ClaraPAEckerd CollegeFLGeosciencesPh.D in Marine Science. Conduct and pursue research by combining biological and physical oceanography.William SzelistowskiJeannine Lessmann, Amy Siuda, Brian Dzwonkowski
Pablo, AmayaAZNorthern Arizona UniversityAZMedicineI will obtain my MD/PhD in Cancer Biology. My research will focus on mitigating cancer prevention and treatment disparities by expanding biomedical research and healthcare access for Native Americans.Andrea GravesNaomi Lee, Kelvin Choi, Jani Ingram
Paikin, ZacharyVAEmory UniversityGAChemistryM.D. and Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry. I plan to operate a research lab that develops and deploys sensors to study addiction and neurodegenerative diseases impacting vulnerable populations.Megan FriddleMonika Raj, Tracy McGill, Michael McCormick
Palomino, DavidPATemple UniversityPAPhysics and AstronomyMy goal is to pursue a PhD in Mathematical Physics, conduct research in its applications to condensed matter, geometry, topology, and high-energy physics, and teach at the university level.Barbara GorkaJie Wang, Jim Napolitano, David Futer
Panneerdoss, Durga MeenakshiTXThe University of Texas at San AntonioTXLife SciencesMD/PhD in Cancer Biology. Conduct translational cancer research to develop novel therapies aimed at overcoming therapy resistance in women's cancers, while leading a lab at an academic medical center.Andrew ChapmanRatna Vadlamudi, Gail Taylor, Gangadhara Sareddy
Park, HyojaeMACarnegie Mellon UniversityPACISEMy goal is to obtain a Ph.D. in computer science. I aspire to conduct research on developing fundamental algorithms that enable natural motion in robotics, comparable to that of humans and animals.Alexander JohnsonNancy Pollard, Michael Littman, Yixue Zhao
Park, MichelleOHStanford UniversityCAPhysics and AstronomyPh.D. in astrophysics, co-term master's in computational mathematical engineering. Apply galaxy simulations to answer large-scale questions on dark matter and galaxy evolution. Teach at a university.Jen HopeDustin Schroeder, Risa Wechsler, Gregor Steinbrügge
Patel, IshaanVAUniversity of Virginia-Main CampusVAPhysics and AstronomyPh.D. in condensed matter physics. Conduct research in condensed matter theory or experiment and teach at the university level.Andrus AshooJeremy Bloch, Eugene Kolomeisky, Dean Harman
Patino Luna, HeribertoWIUniversity of Wisconsin-WhitewaterWIGeosciencesPursue a Ph.D. in Geophysics focused on rock rheology. Then, conduct research at a national laboratory, advancing numerical models to forecast volcanic hazards, such as eruptions and flank collapse.Christopher VeldkampPrajukti Bhattacharyya, Mittal Tushar, Ozgur Yavuzcetin
Pauly, AutumnMNCollege of the AtlanticMELife SciencesPh. D. in Ecology with a focus on behavioral ecology. Conduct research with seabird populations and teach at university level.John AndersonJohn Anderson, Ken Cline, Chris Petersen
Pelegano-Titmuss, EmiliaNYCUNY Hunter CollegeNYGeosciencesPh.D. in Geophysics. Conduct research in igneous petrology, structural geology, and volcano tectonics applied to predicting volcanic eruptions and hazard mitigation, and teach at the university level.Stephen LassondeGiselle de Araujo Lima e Souza, Steven Greenbaum, Edward Stolper
Peltier, JackTNThe University of Tennessee-KnoxvilleTNPhysics and AstronomyPh.D in theoretical nuclear physics. Conduct research in theoretical nuclear structure as a professor.Meredith Malburne-WadeRobert Grzywacz, Tuoc Phan, Lorenzo Uplegger
Perdue, JamesALMississippi State UniversityMSEngineeringI want to get my PhD in a precision timing lab and work in a national or federal lab on the cutting edge of ultra-stable frequency synthesis or time-transfer.David HoffmanBryan Hemingway, Thejesh Bandi, Colin Murphy
Perna, GraceNYRochester Institute of TechnologyNYLife SciencesPhD in Immunology. Conduct research to improve the treatment of autoimmune and infectious diseases at an R1 university while mentoring students and promoting community engagement in the life sciences.Suzanne O'HandleyLea Michel, Caitlin Light, Hosea Nelson
Pflum, HannahNECreighton UniversityNELife SciencesGo to graduate school and earn a Ph.D. in Neuroimmunology. Conduct research on neurodegenerative disorders and teach at an academic institution.Erin GrossAnnemarie Shibata, Kristen Drescher
Phillips, IsabellaGAMercer UniversityGALife SciencesPh.D. in Neuroscience. Conduct research at the intersection of neuroendocrinology and traumatic brain injuries while teaching at a research university.Adam KieferKatharine Northcutt, Chamaree de Silva, Sebastian Werneburg
Piatnichouk, ChristopherNJDavidson CollegeNCLife SciencesM.D./Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics. Conduct translational research to develop therapeutics combining disease diagnosis and treatment into a single approach.Gaylena MerrittNicole L. Snyder, Laura Hartmann, Benjamin E. Levy
Pinc, JohnathanOHUnited States Military AcademyNYChemistryPh.D. in Chemistry. Lead a protein biophysics research group investigating the molecular origins of neurodegenerative disease to discover rationally designed therapeutics.Carolann KoleciRyan Limbocker, Lucas Fallot
Pitre, MichaelNYUniversity of South Carolina-ColumbiaSCLife SciencesI plan to pursue an M.D./Ph.D. degree in neuroscience so I can conduct research elucidating mechanisms of neurodegeneration, while testing clinical solutions to inhibit and reverse this process.Jennifer BessJoseph McQuail, Mark Sarzynski, Husheem Michael
Popp, IanARUniversity of ArkansasAREngineeringI will earn a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering to become a professor at a public university and use polymer science to test methods to improve the safety and efficacy of CRISPR-based gene treatments.Suzanne McCrayChristopher Nelson, Jorge Almodovar, Heather Walker
Pratt, NicholasNYUniversity at BuffaloNYLife SciencesI plan to obtain a Ph.D. in Computational Biology, working to advance our understanding of gene families responsible for traits of agricultural interest, such as fruit size or nutrient content.Lisa GagnonJaroslaw Zola, Trevor Krabbenhoft, Victor Albert
Prawira, JacquelineCAMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyMAMaterials ResearchPh.D in Materials Science and Engineering. Research sustainable materials and processes to solve environmental challenges and build a sustainable society.Dominique AltarejosCamden Hunt, Yet-Ming Chiang, Benjamin Mowbray
Puckett, IsaacTNMiddle Tennessee State UniversityTNChemistryPh.D. in Organic Chemistry. Conduct research on small molecules that can function as tools for research on cancer development and function.Laura ClippardScott Handy, April Weissmiller, Ben Matthews
Qiu, KemingWAUniversity of Washington-Seattle CampusWAChemistryPhD in Chemical Biology. Study macromolecular structures and cell signaling regulations on single molecule levels and apply findings to drug discovery. Run a lab and teach at a research university.Chetana AcharyaBenjamin Land, Kaylin Ellioff, Sophia Mar
Quinn-Vitabile, Joseph DavidNJMontclair State UniversityNJPhysics and AstronomyPh.D. in Astrophysics and conduct research in gravitational wave astronomy through the LIGO Scientific Collaboration. Employ machine learning-based techniques to learn from gravitational waves.Weitian WangShaon Ghosh
Ram, HariniMIUniversity of Michigan-Ann ArborMILife SciencesM.D./Ph.D. in Cancer Biology. Conduct research on oncogenic mechanisms and develop novel therapeutic strategies at an academic medical center to advance cancer patient care.Melissa VertAnalisa DiFeo, Noah Puleo, Jose Colina
Ramchand, Priscilla NYCUNY Brooklyn CollegeNYLife SciencesPursue an MD/PhD in Biomedical Science to conduct research in genomics and epigenetics, advancing personalized medicine by bridging research and clinical practice to improve patient care.Stephen GraciaMariana Torrente, Manpreet Kohli, Dean Bobo
Rand, TaylorFLUniversity of South Florida-Main CampusFLLife SciencesObtain a PhD in insect community ecology to study the interactions of insect species of scientific interest to inform conservation policy for these species.Sayandeb BasuErin Scott, Sarah Sheffield, Richard Pollenz
Raufman, BenjaminMDUniversity of Maryland-College ParkMDLife SciencesMD/PhD in structural biology. Employ structural and chemical biology techniques in an academic medical setting to identify drug targets and develop targeted molecular therapies for cancer treatment.Robert InfantinoMary Sajini Devadas, Jian-Ying Wang, Srinivasa Raghavan
Rawlings, NatalieAZUniversity of ArizonaAZMedicineMD/PhD in Pharmacology to transform the field of rare and infectious disease research. I aspire to work at the NIH's TRND division (Therapeutics for Rare and Neglected Diseases).Karna WalterAndrew Capaldi
Reilly, EvaPARochester Institute of TechnologyNYLife SciencesPh.D. in Biochemistry. Conduct research to advance our understanding of the protein biochemistry underlying disease and the development of effective treatments, while teaching at the university level.Suzanne O'HandleySuzanne O'Handley
Reilly, NicholasNYUniversity at BuffaloNYEngineeringI intend to achieve a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering. I want to focus my research on materials science, specifically materials to mitigate carbon emissions and combat greenhouse effects.Lisa GagnonDavid Watson, Karoline García-Pedraza, Jude Sabato
Reimer, ThomasMDUniversity of Notre DameINChemistryPh.D. in chemistry. Perform research on applying organic chemistry to unsolved or overlooked biological problems in a medical context.Emily HuntBrandon L. Ashfeld, Kaiyu X. Fu, Seth N. Brown
Reiser, JanaILCarnegie Mellon UniversityPAEngineeringPhD in environmental engineering. Conduct interdisciplinary research on how the relationship between plants and microbial communities can be leveraged to increase crop yields and plant resilience.Alexander JohnsonHagai Kohay, Gregory Lowry
Rickard, Eva MTWashington State UniversityWAMedicineMy goal is an MD-PhD in Neurology, focusing on gene regulation driving Alzheimer's and its etiology, ultimately leading to a career as a research faculty member at a medical school.Mary Sanchez-LanierSascha Duttke, Johannes Schlachetzki, Anna McDonald
Rivera, AntonioDEWesleyan UniversityCTChemistryObtain a Ph.D. in chemical biology, biochemistry, or chemistry. Conduct research in the biotechnology industry.Erica KowszTeresita Padilla-Benavides, Andrea Roberts, Odette Verdejo-Torres
Rizzo, Patricia NJColgate UniversityNYChemistryPh.D. in Chemistry. Conduct research in physical chemistry and teach at the university level.Stephen WrightProfessor Eric Muller
Robinson, AbigailPASaint Joseph's UniversityPALife SciencesPh.D. in Microbiology. Obtain a professorship and conduct impactful research in my own laboratory while inspiring my students to discover their own scientific passions.Enrique Téllez-EspigaShantanu Bhatt
Robinson, AngeliqueOKOklahoma State University-Main CampusOKMedicinePh.D. in Entomology and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M). I plan to conduct niche cardiology-focused research on veterinary medical entomology and teach at the university level.Jessica SullinsKimberly Gwinn, Jiyoung Bae, Stephanie Mullins-Sweatt
Robinson, BlakeTNUniversity of MemphisTNLife SciencesMD/PhD in Neuroscience. I hope to lead a lab developing precise biotherapies for neurological disorders that are traditionally treated using surgery and teach at a major academic institution.Melinda JonesJoel Bumgardner, Carolina Parada, Heather Mefford
Rodolf, AmeliaCAUniversity of California-Los AngelesCAEngineeringMD/PhD in bioengineering. Research the molecular mechanisms of infection, especially in pediatric patients, and improve strategies for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of communicable disease.Rebecca BlusteinMireille Kamariza, Daniel Kamei, Owen McCarty
Rogachuk, BrookeTXUniversity of Oklahoma-Norman CampusOKEngineeringConduct research on sustainability in aerospace, pursue a PhD, and leverage that expertise to enhance sustainable and economical practices within the industry. Then teach at the university level.Brian JohnsonJude Okolie, Jingyao Dai, Ramkumar Parthasarathy
Rohan, MatthewOHGeorgia Institute of Technology-Main CampusGAChemistryPh. D. in Physical Chemistry. Perform computational and/or experimental research in quantum chemistry and spectroscopy.Georgia BrunnerJoshua S. Kretchmer, William K. Lewis, Andrew F. DeBlase
Rosenberger, SofiaILHope CollegeMILife SciencesTo lead and conduct basic research in biomedical science, and to aid in the translation of that research to patients in the form of targeted molecular therapies using a PhD in biochemistry and an MD.Jonathan PetersonLeah Chase, Ernst Lengyel, Hilary Kenny
Rosu, PaulNCDuke UniversityNCMathematical SciencesMy goal is to become a professor in mathematics and computer science, advancing the theoretical foundations of AI and ensuring its sustainable development through rigorous mathematical research.Gwen VolmarAlec Payne, Ilyas Khan, Xiang Cheng
Rozalsky, ChloeAZArizona State University-TempeAZLife SciencesPh.D. in microbiology with a focus in life sciences engineering. Conduct research in spaceflight microbiology and engineer lab equipment for spaceflight and ground experiments.Kyle MoxCheryl Nickerson, Jennifer Barrila, C. Mark Ott
Rozenblit, AlanNJRutgers University-CamdenNJLife SciencesAcquire a Ph.D. in Cancer/Molecular Biology. Lead a lab focused on the intersections of genetics, disease, and therapeutics. Mentor future scientists in the lab and teach at the university level.Laura CollinsNir Yakoby, Helen Stott, Nathan Fried
Rubio, PhoebeMAUniversity of RichmondVALife SciencesPh.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Conduct research and lead a research laboratory focused on cancer drug development and discovery in the pharmaceutical industry.Dana KuchemChristopher Shugrue
Salazar, CatcherMDUniversity of Southern CaliforniaCALife SciencesPh.D. in Systems Biology. At the university level, lead a lab integrating techniques from bioengineering, computational biology, and classical genetics to research human embryonic development.Katie CapraLeonardo Morsut, Senta Georgia, Francesca Mariani
Saldin, PramanaWIUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonWIMathematical SciencesPh.D. in mathematics. Conduct research in algebra and geometry and contribute to new mathematical research techniques using machine learning to give insight into mathematical structures.Julie StubbsJordan Ellenberg, Tullia Dymarz, Paul Apisa
Salgado, MarcoCOColorado School of MinesCOEngineeringPh.D. in Electrochemistry. Conduct research on electrochemical devices such as fuel cells and teach chemical engineering at the university level.Ashley WeibelAndrew Herring, ChulOong Kim, Mei-Chen Kuo
Sanaka, HarshaOHOhio State University-Main CampusOHMedicineM.D./Ph.D. in Cancer Biology. I aspire to bridge the gap between lab and clinic by developing targeted cancer prevention therapies, translating molecular discoveries into practical treatments.Janet SchroederChristin Burd, Carole Macaron, Fabio Cominelli
Sandhu, JesseMIMichigan State UniversityMIChemistryPh.D. in physics. Conduct research on radiology techniques to cure and diagnose cancers.Kristin JankaDr. Marcos Dantus
Sangani, RaviNJThe College of New JerseyNJMedicineM.D./Ph.D. in Neurobiology, focusing on molecular ophthalmology. Conduct research on the regeneration of dead retinal photoreceptor cells as a principal investigator and teach at the graduate level.Sunita KramerNancy Philip, Lauren Danielle, Karen Allyn Gordon
Sanson, MarcosILGrand Valley State UniversityMICISEPh.D. in Computer Science. Conduct research in evolutionary algorithm design and analysis for computational problem-solving and technological innovation at a national laboratory.Brenda TooleyAlexander Lalejini, Jared Moore, Austin Ferguson
Santomenna, SageMEPomona CollegeCAPhysics and AstronomyPh.D. in Astrophysics. Conduct research in galaxy evolution.Mal RiggioPhilip Choi, Ranga-Ram Chary, Andreas Faisst
Sarower, SiamGAKennesaw State UniversityGAPhysics and AstronomyMy career goals include earning a Ph.D. in physics, conducting research in condensed matter physics, and teaching college students through interactive lectures for their success as future scientists.Michelle MilesMahmoud M. Asmar, Nancy P. Sandler, Jennifer Vandenbussche
Schrauf, LucPAPennsylvania State University-Main CampusPAPhysics and AstronomyPh.D. in Physics. Conduct research to innovate technology that leverages quantum information science to extend the frontiers of modern computing capabilities.Tineka LebrunNitin Samarth, Eric Hudson, Anthony Richardella
Schulte, SamanthaMIMichigan State UniversityMIEngineeringPursue a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering. Conduct research in protein engineering to expand design capabilities for improved proteins. Lead a team of researchers in the pharmaceutical industry.Kristin JankaDaniel Woldring, Benedikt Dolgikh, Stephanie Chun
Schweiger, RachelINIndiana University-IndianapolisINLife SciencesPh.D. in Cellular/Molecular Biology. Conduct neuroendocrinological research investigating mechanisms of cell death and teach at a university level.Kristina Horn SheelerAndrew Templin, Ya Cheng Liao, Menghao Huang
Scrudder, CobyTXTexas A & M University-College StationTXMaterials ResearchPh.D. in Materials Science and Engineering. Conduct research in the field of batteries and energy storage materials and mentor young researchers at a university or government laboratory.Michael Johnson Yi Lin, Jodie Lutkenhaus, Liangbing Hu
Seekamp, KerryFLSmith CollegeMAMathematical SciencesPh.D. in mathematics. Conduct research in algebra, combinatorics, and graph theory at a university or for the government.Andrew DauschJulianna Tymoczko, Padmapani Seneviratne, Dmytro Savchuk
Seidel, IlariaMAHarvard UniversityMAMathematical SciencesAfter college, I want to pursue a Ph.D. in Mathematics. My ultimate goal is to conduct original research in geometry or combinatorics and teach at the university level.Pamela GaddiColin Defant, Joseph Gallian, Lauren Williams
Serio, JosephMOUniversity of Southern MississippiMSLife SciencesAfter earning a PhD in molecular genetics, I will aim to develop gene therapies to improve the quality of life for those suffering from neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.Mary BeardAlex Flynt, Kaitlin Baudier, Keith Slotkin
Shahinian, HannahNJNew Jersey Institute of TechnologyNJLife SciencesPh.D. in Ecology. Researching how human disturbances like pollutants affect ecological interactions, I aim to teach at the university level, mentor future scientists, and aid in conservation efforts.John CarpinelliPhillip Barden, Caroline DeVan, Kyle Wickings
Sharp, ChloeMSRensselaer Polytechnic InstituteNYEngineeringPh.D. in Environmental Engineering. Research water reuse to develop technologies and enhance the feasibility of circular water economies in the U.S.Gustavo CrembilMatteo D'Alessio, Eyosias Ashenafi
Shende, TanishaOHOberlin CollegeOHCISEPh.D. in Computer Science. Conduct research in human-computer interaction and accessibility and teach at the university level.Danielle AbdonShiri Azenkot, Gunnar Kwakye, Jillian Scudder
Shih, Alyssa ILUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignILGeosciencesPh.D. in Atmospheric Sciences. Conduct research in mesoscale meteorology and climate applications to advance forecasting and weather communication.David SchugSteve Nesbitt, Jessica Choate
Showerman, GraceMIMichigan State UniversityMIPhysics and AstronomyPh.D. in Astrophysics. Conduct observational research on transient phenomena and work at a university or national lab.Kristin JankaLaura Chomiuk, Jay Strader, Benjamin Shappee
Shu, ShengPACarnegie Mellon UniversityPAChemistryI plan to earn a Ph.D. in Computational Chemistry, designing deep-learning models to predict and analyze molecular structures. I will also teach how to apply computational methods to life sciences.Alexander JohnsonIsaac Garcia-Bosch, Fang Bai, Olexandr Isayev
Shvydkoy, DmitriyILUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignILMathematical SciencesPh.D. in Mathematics. Conduct research in number theory as a university professor.David SchugMichael Woodbury, Florian Zeiser
Sikorski, PascalMOSaint Louis UniversityMOCISEPh.D. in Computer Science. I aim to become a professor researching/improving the interaction between intent-driven assistive robotics and humans through perception and dexterous manipulation.Rebecca MuichMadi Babaiasl, Jason Knouft, Xiao Tan
Simmons, KayaFLFlorida State UniversityFLLife SciencesPh.D. in Neurobiology and Behavior. Conduct research in integrative animal behavior, teach at a university level, and provide further opportunities for other first-generation students in STEM.Jesse WielandEmily DuVal, Emily Lemmon, Carlie Anderson
Simonini, SeanMAUniversity of Massachusetts-LowellMALife SciencesI will pursue a Ph.D. in Neuroscience, studying the underlying mechanisms of neurodegeneration in ALS and brain injuries, followed by an early-career investigator fellowship at a research institute.Rachel MansfieldRichard Giadone, Sarah Rozelle, Courtney Hudson-Paz
Singh, AbhiramMAUniversity of California-Los AngelesCALife SciencesMD-PhD in immunology, leading a research lab, teaching medicine at the university level, and mentoring student researchers and aspiring doctors.Rebecca BlusteinBhupesh Parashar, Leo Otterbein, Ionita Ghiran
Sinopoli, PaoloOHOhio State University-Main CampusOHLife SciencesObtain a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology. Conduct research to investigate fundamental questions in RNA biology.Janet SchroederAnita Hopper, Sandra Wolin
Sivakumar, Ashwin ORHarvard UniversityMALife SciencesPh.D. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Conduct research on the evolution of morphological, behavioral, and ecological novelty, teaching at the university level and writing for public audiences.Pamela GaddiScott Edwards, Kyle Horton, David Reich
Slaughter, ElliottTXUniversity of North TexasTXChemistryPh.D. in Chemical Engineering. Conduct research in atmospheric sustainability and environmental regeneration and teach at the university level.James DubanShengqian Ma, Gaurav Verma,
Small, SamanthaPAElizabethtown CollegePALife SciencesI will earn a Ph.D. in immunology, focusing research on vaccine development for autoimmune diseases, with a career goal of teaching and conducting research in this field at an R1 institution.Jean-Paul BenowitzDesmond Yengi, James MacKay, Jane Cavender
Smith, CatherineVAUniversity of GeorgiaGALife SciencesPh.D. in Ecology with an emphasis in eco-evolutionary dynamics. Conduct research on population genomic responses to anthropogenic and environmental pressures and teach at the university level.Jessica HuntJohn Wares, Michael Yabsley, Jessica Hunt
Smith, ConnorTXUniversity of Notre DameINPhysics and AstronomyPh.D. in Astrophysics. Conduct astrophysical research at an observatory or national lab, or research and teach at the university level.Emily HuntJustin Crepp
Smith, RhiannaFLDartmouth CollegeNHCISEPh.D. in Computer Science, specifically Machine Learning. Conduct industry research related to bias and fairness in ML and AI models and then transition to research at the university level.Christie HarnerPeter Mucha
Snider, CailinMDSalisbury UniversityMDGeosciencesPh.D. in Earth Science with a focus in Geology combined with Atmospheric sciences. Conduct research on environmental conservation and environmental protection from hazardous weather.Matthew BaileyDr. Chen, Dr. Harris, Professor Tumelty
Snyder, ColbyPAUniversity of PennsylvaniaPAEngineeringPh.D. in Materials Engineering. Research polymer composites for clean energy materials to accelerate the energy transition and advise science education policy.Michaile RaineyRussell J. Composto, Shreyas Pathreeker, Kristin Field
Soenens, MadeleineMDMontgomery CollegeMDMedicineMD/PhD in Pediatric Neuroimmunology. Lead a team researching the crosstalk that occurs between the nervous and immune systems during disease states in children.Lucy LaufeKathryn Monzo, Joseph Koussa, Michael Thompson
Soliman, MaiNCWake Forest UniversityNCLife SciencesPh.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology with a focus on regenerative medicines and cell therapies. Conduct research in medicine.Morgan Alexander-Coster Emmanuel Opara, Brian Tague, Debbie French
Sowinski, ChristinaINPurdue University-Main CampusINGeosciencesPh.D. in Planetary Geology. Conduct research on planetary geomorphology with a concentration on aeolian processes and teach at a university.Veronica SchirmAli Bramson, Briony Horgan
Srinivasan, PrithiILUniversity of ChicagoILLife SciencesPhD in biochemistry and molecular biology, leading research exploring the role of nucleocytoplasmic protein transport in epigenetic regulation, and teaching molecular biology at the university level.Jenna SarchioAlexander Ruthenburg, Navneet Bhasin, Amanda Keplinger
Sriram, Anirudh GAGeorgia Institute of Technology-Main CampusGALife SciencesPursue a PhD in Biomedical Engineering to advance precision medicine in cancer and neurodegenerative diseases, focusing on the safety and scalability of immunotherapies through computational modeling.Georgia BrunnerDr. Ahmet Coskun, Dr. Ashley Laughney, Dr. Krishnendu Roy
Stafford, VincentFLFlorida Atlantic UniversityFLMathematical SciencesPh.D. in Mathematics or Theoretical Computer Science. I plan to teach mathematics at the university-level and research theoretical computational science and numerical methods.Jessica CornelyDavid Canales Garcia, Terje Hill, Jason Hedetniemi
Steward, MargaretWAThe College of WoosterOHChemistryI hope to earn my Ph.D. in organometallic or polymer chemistry. I want to research synthetic catalytic design for polymerization and teach at the university level.James WestPaul Bonvallet, Paul Edmiston, Santanu Malakar
Storti, NicholasPABaylor UniversityTXEngineeringPh.D. in electrical engineering. Become a professor at a university and conduct research in electric machines and power electronic motor drives to provide greener vehicles.Daniel BenyouskyEmmanuel Agamloh, Annette von Jouanne, Mark Does
Stoudt, GabriellaMNGustavus Adolphus CollegeMNChemistryMy career goals are to pursue a Ph.D. in Biochemistry. I want to conduct research within emerging cancer biology.Pamela KittelsonKennedy Nyongbela-Dohjinga, Tipparat Suwanmanee, Janie Frandsen
Subramanian, AdvaithTXTulane University of LouisianaLAMedicineMD/PhD in Neuroendocrinology to study stress-induced neuropsychiatric disorders. Implement research findings to patient care by developing novel therapeutics for neuropsychiatric disorders.Thomas SpencerJeffery Tasker, Andrew McDowell, Laura Harrison
Subramanian, SahanaWAUniversity of Washington-Seattle CampusWAEngineeringAim to acquire a Ph.D. in Tissue Engineering and advance our ability to develop biocompatible artificial tissues for use in cardiac regenerative medicine and development of patient therapeutics.Chetana AcharyaChristopher Neils, Ying Zheng, Ariana Frey
Sudhin, SlokaGAUniversity of GeorgiaGAMathematical SciencesPhD in applied math/computer science. Conduct research as a professor at an R1 university at the intersection of optimization algorithms and predictive modeling through complex computer experiments.Jessica HuntAbhyuday Mandal, Joshua Lukemire
Sueyoshi, ColinCAAmherst CollegeMAChemistryPh.D. in Chemistry. Conduct physical chemistry and spectroscopy research while teaching at an undergraduate institution, or conduct physical chemistry and spectroscopy research in an industry setting.Evan ClarkHelen O. Leung, Mark D. Marshall, Melanie Schnell
Sullivan, JackNHUniversity of New Hampshire-Main CampusNHEngineeringPh.D. in Chemical Engineering. Conduct research in catalysis science and technology, and pursue a career in sustainable energy.Leigh PrattNan Yi
Sumpena, EdmundCAJohns Hopkins UniversityMDCISEM.D./Ph.D. in computational neuroscience. Aspiring physician scientist leading research in early neuro-visual disease biomarkers and brain disease progression to bridge patient care and technology.Kathleen BarryAmir Kashani, M.D./Ph.D., Craig Jones, Wenchao Han
Sun, EdwardCAUniversity of California-Los AngelesCACISEPh.D. in Computer Science. Conduct research in computer science, especially on the application of artificial intelligence in scientific discovery and teach at the university level.Rebecca BlusteinWei Wang, Chunhua Weng, Kai Ding
Sun, HarryCTGeorgetown UniversityDCLife SciencesM.D./Ph.D. in Immunology. Conduct neuroimmunology research and serve as a leader who publishes extensively and guides the scientific vision of a department/institute; also, mentor graduate students.William CessatoArshmeet K. Chawla, Sidharth Jain, Pramod K. Srivastava
Surineni, SreenidhiCAUniversity of California-RiversideCALife SciencesPursuing a Ph.D. in Neuroscience, I seek to investigate how RNA splicing and inflammation drive neurodegenerative disease, eventually aiming to work and teach at an academic research center.Gladis Herrera-BerkowitzKrishna M. Boini, Sika Zheng, David Nikom
Swalley, ZoeyALUniversity of Alabama at BirminghamALLife SciencesI will pursue an MD/Ph.D. in immunology and clinically specialize in medical oncology.Cristin GavinLyse Norian
Sylvie, JacobTXBerry CollegeGAPhysics and AstronomyPh.D. in Nuclear Reactor Physics or Nuclear Engineering. Research advanced nuclear reactor technologies at a National Laboratory in order to address disadvantages of current nuclear reactor designs.Mark TurlingtonZachary R. Lindsey, Charles D. Lane, Kenneth L. Martin
Tang, AlexanderMAMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyMAMedicinePursue an M.D./Ph.D. in cancer biology and immunology. Conduct reverse translational research focusing on mechanistic underpinnings to develop novel cancer therapies and lead clinical trials.Dominique AltarejosNir Hacohen, Jonathan Chen, Adam Martin
Tang, MelodyCAUniversity of ChicagoILChemistryI hope to earn my Ph.D. in Chemistry or Chemical Biology. Beyond that, I hope to conduct research in medicinal chemistry or drug discovery.Jenna SarchioGuangbin Dong, John Hartwig, Hosea Nelson
Tansiongco, MeganTXTrinity UniversityTXMedicineM.D. with a Ph.D. in Molecular Immunology & Microbiology. Conduct research on novel immunotherapies and translate findings into active clinical trials.David PooleyChristina Cooley, Reuben Harris, Renee Delgado
Tarr, AbbyNEUniversity of Nebraska at OmahaNEPsychologyWith a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, I will conduct research on impacts of long-term childhood maltreatment on development and adult functioning, teach at the university level, and run a clinical lab.Lucy MorrisonRoni Reiter-Palmon, Todd Richardson, Cody Knight
Tatko, AvaMICalvin UniversityMIEngineeringPhD in Energy Engineering to specialize in improving renewable energy efficiency. Partake in research, stepping past the current breadth of understanding to innovate solutions in this emerging field.Christopher HarteminkJulie Wildschut, Christopher Hartemink
Tennenbaum, KarinneMIYale UniversityCTLife SciencesPh.D. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Conduct research in ornithology and tropical forestry as well as teach at the university level.Alison BumkeLiza Comita, Richard O. Prum, Pincelli M. Hull
Thompson, Liam AKUniversity of Oklahoma-Norman CampusOKGeosciencesI want to pursue my Ph.D. in Atmospheric Sciences, conducting and leading research at a NOAA Cooperative Institute or similar type of research focused organizations.Brian JohnsonChenghao Wang, Adrienne Wootten
Toh, Wu HanMDJohns Hopkins UniversityMDEngineeringPhD in Bioengineering. Lead a cross-disciplinary research group pioneering AI-guided platforms to accelerate the translation of precision medicines.Kathleen BarryHai-Quan Mao, Yee Ming Khaw, Ming-Ru Wu
Toliao, JasonCAUniversity of Southern CaliforniaCAMedicinePhD in clinical and translational science and M.D. with a specialty in pediatric neurosurgery. Research novel applications of brain neuroimaging to improve pediatric care.Katie CapraPradip Chaudhari, Peter Chiarelli, Stefan Blüml
Tong, ElishaCACalifornia Lutheran UniversityCALife SciencesPh.D. in Biochemistry. Conduct research on the relationship between functional RNA and bacterial antibiotic resistance.John DeiszMichael Abdelsayed, Jiansen Jiang
Tran, AndrewOROregon State UniversityOREngineeringPh.D. in Environmental Engineering. Conduct research on sustainable technologies for resource optimization, with a focus on environmental impact reduction and waste management solutions.LeAnn Joy AdamLucas Ellis, Bryan Kirby, Shaun Macdonald
Tran, MichelleCAMount Saint Mary's UniversityCALife SciencesObtain a Ph.D. in evolutionary biology. Conduct evolution-based research aiming to help endangered species and aid conservation efforts in the face of climate change.Eric StempAdriane Jones, Ekaterina Osipova
Troester, ThomasWIUniversity of St ThomasMNChemistryPh.D. in Polymer Chemistry. Conduct research in green polymer chemistry in industry or academia.Corinda PopescuEric Fort, J. Thomas Ippoliti, Lisa Prevette
Trotta, AdrianMABoston UniversityMALife SciencesPh.D. in Cancer Immunology with a focus on Neuro-Oncology. Aspiring biomedical researcher or entrepreneur in the biotechnology industry.Jeffrey BergDr. Sadri-Vakili, Dr. Priscilla K. Brastianos, Paula Boutin
Uland, CharlesKYWestern Kentucky UniversityKYChemistryI plan to pursue a Ph.D. in chemistry and specialize in computational chemistry to design novel materials, like polymers and catalysts. I aim to conduct research and teach as a university professor.Bradley SmithBangbo Yan, Guangming Xing, Adrian Lauf
Umran, RanaMODrury UniversityMOChemistryPh.D. in Chemistry. Conduct research in inorganic chemistry focusing on transition metal catalysis and teach at the university level.Shelley WolbrinkJohn Kiernicki, Madhuri Manpadi, Jamie Neely
Vandra, KhushiPAVillanova UniversityPAPhysics and AstronomyPh.D. in Physics. Conduct research in High-Energy Physics and teach at the university level, while mentoring students.Catherine StecykAmber Stuver, Ayana Arce
Vasquez, IsabellaTXTexas Tech UniversityTXEngineeringPh.D. in Biomedical Engineering. Conduct research in nanoprobe and nanotherapeutic developments for the detection and treatment of cancer with an oncology pharmaceutical company.Archie PitsilidesIndrajit Srivastava
Villagomez, VictoriaTXThe University of Texas at El PasoTXGeosciencesObtain a Ph.D. in Environmental Science/Engineering, Geosciences. Conduct research in climate change and earth modeling systems.Jennifer GreenCraig E. Tweedie, Sergio Vargas Zesati, Katherine Young
Vinnikov, AriellePAUniversity of RichmondVAMedicineI plan to earn an M.D./Ph.D. in cancer biology, researching how nanomaterials can be functionalized to detect and treat cancerous tumors.Dana KuchemMichael Leopold
Virgen, AzucenaCAUniversity of California-DavisCALife SciencesI plan to enter academia as a professor and principal investigator of developmental biology. I aspire to publish meaningful papers on achieving true regenerative medicine.Scott PalmerIris Yoshiko Juanico, Celina Juliano, Connie Champagne
von Abo, MeganPAPennsylvania State University-Main CampusPALife SciencesPh.D. in Neuroscience. Lead cutting-edge research on neurodegenerative diseases in industry and discover life-changing solutions to these diseases.Tineka LebrunLauren Bellfy, Janine Kwapis
Wade, CadenMIMichigan State UniversityMILife SciencesPh. D. in agronomic sciences. Conduct field and top soil research in academia.Kristin JankaYounsuk Dong, Ben Belton, Abigail Bennett
Wahl, JadaWIUniversity of Wisconsin-Eau ClaireWILife SciencesPh.D. in Ecology. Investigate effects of anthropomorphic activity on social mammals. My research will advance conservation and sustainability. Teach at university level and mentor first-gen scientistsErica BensonJenn Smith, Sonja Wild, Brad Carter
Walker, CameronOKUniversity of TulsaOKPhysics and AstronomyPh.D. in Astrophysics or Astrochemistry. Conduct interdisciplinary research modeling astrochemical systems and expanding how we learn about the cosmos.Terrie ShipleyBrett McKinney, Scott Holmstrom, Shawn Jackson
Walters, SkylarNJBrown UniversityRICISEPh.D. in Computational Biology. Conduct research in designing computational models to discover novel and divergent viral genomes while educating and mentoring university students.Joel SimundichSarah Taylor, Katherine Siddle, Philip Klein
Wang, EmilyKYMiami University-OxfordOHLife SciencesPh.D. in Molecular Biology. Lead a biomedical research lab investigating cancer plasticity and resistance mechanisms to develop personalized therapies.Paul UrayamaRock Mancini, Chun Liang, Joseph Kim, MD
Wang, GavinMDJohns Hopkins UniversityMDPhysics and AstronomyPh.D. in Astrophysics. Lead a research group to study extrasolar planets and teach at the university level.Kathleen BarryNéstor Espinoza, David Sing, Dimitri Mawet
Wass, GrantCAPalomar CollegeCALife SciencesPh.D in Evolutionary Biology. Conduct research on the evolution, systematics, and biogeography of invertebrates and teach as a professor.Russ McDonaldChristina Hoddle, Rodrigo Monjaraz-Ruedas, Shahan Derkarabetian
Watson, FinnORLewis & Clark CollegeORLife SciencesPh.D. in Evolutionary Biology. Teach at a university level while conducting field leading research in the molecular evolution of venoms.Louis KuoGreta Binford, Lindy Gewin
Weber, RachelMOUniversity of Missouri-ColumbiaMOLife SciencesMy goal is to pursue a Ph.D. in Biochemistry. From there I will work to advance our understanding of plant metabolic processes and adapt this for implementation in the biofuels industry.Nina Wilson-KeenanJaime Barros-Rios, Jenny Codjoe, Susan Lever
Wei, AmyCTUniversity of Michigan-Ann ArborMICISEPh.D. in Computer Science. Conduct research in software engineering investigating the relationship between programming and cognition and teach at the university level.Melissa VertMatthew Davis, Joshua Sunshine, Kimberly Diaz
Weiss, MichaelCOColorado State University-Fort CollinsCOLife SciencesMy career goals are to obtain a Ph.D. in biophysics and become a professor and principal investigator overseeing a laboratory at a research institute or university.Mary SwansonDylan C. Yost, Azer P. Yalin, Jeffrey C. Hansen
Weix, ElliottWIUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonWILife SciencesPh.D. in Computational Biology or Biochemistry. Lead an academic research team applying synthetic and systems biology methods to understand the emergence of multicellular structures in living cells.Julie StubbsScott M. Coyle, Dennis T. Bolshakov, Chih-Chia Chang
Westbrook, AinsleyOHMercer UniversityGAEngineeringPh.D. in Biomedical Engineering with an emphasis in neuroengineering. Lead research on neurodegenerative disorders as a Professor at a Research University.Adam KieferJoanna Thomas, Katharine Northcutt
Williams, Jaime PAEastern Michigan UniversityMIChemistryPh.D. in Analytical Chemistry. Utilize my degree to do heritage artifact preservation, conservation, and research at a museum like the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C.Aaron LiepmanRuth Ann Armitage, Aaron Lipeman, Ann Eisenberg
Wilson, OliverPAHaverford CollegePAPhysics and AstronomyPh.D. in Astrophysics. Conduct research on pulsars and high-energy astrophysics. Teach at the undergraduate and/or graduate level.Jason Chan Daniel H. Grin, Wynn C. G. Ho
Wofford, JanaeNCUniversity of North Carolina at GreensboroNCChemistryPh.D. in pharmacology or pharmaceutical sciences. Conduct biomedical research in a clinical setting focusing on drug discovery and development and teach at the university level.Kimberly PetersenNadja B. Cech, Kimberly S. Petersen, Zoie L. Bunch
Woody, ColeTXUniversity of HoustonTXLife SciencesI will pursue a PhD in immunology, focusing on translational research. In industry, I plan to develop immunotherapies for rare and refractory cancers.Ben RayderSakuni Rankothgedera, Preethi Gunaratne, Paul Liu
Wu, MarvinCAUniversity of RochesterNYChemistryPh.D. in Chemistry. Research organic methodology development to expand synthetic access of complex molecules. Discover new drugs through hit-to-lead optimization as a pharmaceutical medicinal chemist.Belinda ReddenBenjamin Partridge, Nathan Adamson, Elizabeth Piedmont
Xia, LukeCAUniversity of California-IrvineCAPhysics and AstronomyPh.D. in astrophysics, focusing on galaxy evolution and dynamics from a theoretical/computational standpoint. Aim to research and teach at the university level, advancing knowledge in astrophysics.Rose JonesJames Bullock, Courtney Klein, Marc Swisdak
Xu, LancePAJohns Hopkins UniversityMDLife SciencesPh.D. in Cancer Biology. Conduct research on cellular and molecular mechanisms that underpin cancer initiation and progression and teach at an academic institution.Kathleen BarryPeter Yeow, Andrew Holland, Jordan J. Green
Xu, YuxuanNYHamilton CollegeNYLife SciencesStudy how we learn to construct perceptual representations using cognitive neuroscience and computational modeling approaches. Obtain a PhD in cognitive neuroscience and teach at the university level.Lisa GrimesAlexandra List, Anthony J. Ricci, Max Majireck
Yang, BonnieWABarnard CollegeNYPsychologyPh.D. in Cognitive Science. Use mathematical modeling to study the basis of intelligent behavior, such as reasoning and rational decision-making. Teach at the university level.Dana Muniz PachecoSimon DeDeo, Marina Dubiva, Maya Malaviya
Yang, EricCAUniversity of California-Los AngelesCAMedicineM.D./Ph.D. in Immuno-Oncology. Physician-scientist in academia conducting research on immunotherapy drug development and immunotherapy-induced iRAEs and MACEs.Rebecca BlusteinWenjun Xie, Ashley Stein-Merlob, Pratik Kanabur
Yasna, SanjanaNYSmith CollegeMACISEPh.D. in machine learning with postdoc in a university setting. Advance understanding and develop new methods in protein representation learning.Andrew DauschSamuel Lim, Michael Robson, Joanna Slusky
Yorba-Rico, ReinaCACalifornia State University-Monterey BayCAPsychologyI aim to earn a Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology. I am passionate about researching intersecting areas of cognitive psychology and education to address the needs and inclusion of underserved communities.Natasha OehlmanRenee Penalver
You, IrisNJRutgers University-New BrunswickNJMaterials ResearchPh.D. in Materials Science to conduct research on atomic structures and their relation to material behavior. I hope to continue research at a national lab as a staff scientist.Anne WallenJonathan Singer, Colin Ophus, M. John Matthewson
Yu, YiyangNYColumbia University in the City of New YorkNYCISEPhD in computational biology or bioinformatics. Ultimately, I want to be a professor and lead interdisciplinary teams of researchers and engineers to tackle grand challenges in biology.Ariella LangPeter Koo, John Boom, Mohammed AlQuraishi
Yuenger, BlakeTNThe University of AlabamaALChemistryPh.D. in Organometallic Chemistry. Conduct research in organometallic chemistry and catalysis while teaching at the university level.Jeff GrayKevin Shaughnessy, Jeff Gray, Makynna Koper
Yurtola, AvamelPALafayette CollegePAChemistryObtain a PhD in Chemical Biology. Conduct research focused on chemical processes in living organisms and teach at the university level to encourage intellectual curiosity.Julia GoldbergMichael Bertucci
Zakeri, AranCAUniversity of California-San DiegoCAMedicineI aspire to become a physician-scientist and dedicate myself full-time to oncology research, running clinical trials, and utilizing translational research to achieve the goal of ending cancer.David ArtisJay Desgrosellier, Baba Shahnawaz, Kim Albizati
Zekri, Abdul-MalikFLUniversity of South Florida-Main CampusFLLife SciencesObtain a PhD in computational neuroscience to study neural circuit topology and its role in cognition, and pursue a research career bridging neuroscience, AI, and neuromorphic computing.Sayandeb BasuGeorge Spriou, Timothy Fawcett, Ankur Mali
Zeng, JinghanILUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignILCISEI intend to obtain a PhD in mathematics or computer science, and conduct research in combinatorics and theoretical computer science, and teach at the university level.David SchugPeter Bradshaw, Ruta Mehta
Zhou, Leon TXUniversity of ChicagoILLife SciencesPh.D. in Biomedical Science. Conduct research in cancer biology. Lead research projects to elucidate disease mechanisms, identify therapeutic targets, and innovate healthcare solutions.Jenna SarchioArvind Murugan, David Zemmour, Stephen J. Kron
Zhou, SophiaKYUniversity of KentuckyKYLife SciencesPh.D. in life science and pursue a career in academia in an area which allows me to combine my passions for life science with mathematics and art.Pat WhitlowNicholas Teets, Qing Shao, Jessi Blackburn

UWorld Grants Over $75,000 in Financial Support and Product Scholarships Through Its Barry Goldwater Partnership

Eight UWorld-supported Goldwater Scholars to receive up to $7,500 in financial support plus complimentary access to a comprehensive MCAT prep course and either USMLE® Step 1 or COMLEX® Level 1 resources

(DALLAS) March 28, 2025 – UWorld, a global leader in comprehensive academic and professional education, has awarded more than $75,000 in financial support and product scholarships to 84 recipients pursuing medical research careers through its partnership with The Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation. Read more


The Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation

The Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation was established by Congress in 1986 to serve as a living memorial to honor the lifetime work of Senator Barry Goldwater, who served his country for 56 years as a soldier and statesman, including 30 years in the U.S. Senate.

By providing scholarships to college sophomores and juniors who intend to pursue research careers in the natural sciences, mathematics and engineering, the Goldwater Foundation is helping ensure that the U.S. is producing the number of highly-qualified professionals the Nation needs in these critical fields. Over its 30-year history, Goldwater Scholarships have been awarded to thousands of undergraduates, many of whom have gone on to win other prestigious awards like the National Science Foundation’s Graduate Fellowship, Rhodes Scholarship, Churchill Scholarship and the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship that support our Scholars’ graduate school work. Today, Goldwater alumni can be found conducting research that is helping defend the Nation, finding cures for catastrophic diseases and teaching future generations of scientists, mathematicians and engineers.



Please be aware that there is an ongoing scam with someone pretending to be the Barry Goldwater Scholarship & Excellence in Education Foundation. The scammers are going by the “Barry Gold Scholarship” or “Barry Gold Grant Program”. They are sending fraudulent emails and checks to students. These emails and checks are NOT associated with the Barry Goldwater Scholarship & Excellence in Education Foundation. We are a federal agency and only use our official .gov domain to communicate with our scholars. We suggest you report this fraudulent activity and ‘scholarship’ link to your university, report the email addresses as phishing, and report it to the proper authorities.


The Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation and UWorld Announce a Continuing Partnership that Provides the Goldwater Foundation with a $70,000 UWorld Grant and Product Scholarships

The ongoing partnership fosters the development of tomorrow’s next generation of medical science research leaders.

 The Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation is pleased to continue its partnership with UWorld for a second year to support this nation's next generation of medical science research leaders.

"UWorld’s 2025 donation of over $70,000 in grants and product scholarships provided through its philanthropic arm, UWorld Cares, helps ensure that additional students can pursue their M.D./Ph.D. research career dreams and that the nation will have the research talent it needs to compete globally,” said Dr. John Yopp, Chair of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees.Read more


Important Dates

FIRST TUESDAY IN SEPTEMBER: Online Application Opens
EARLY SEPTEMBER TO LATE JANUARY: Individual internal campus deadlines
LAST FRIDAY IN JANUARY: Nomination deadline (5:00 PM CT)
LATE FEBRUARY: Nomination packets reviewed
MID-MARCH: Board of Trustees vote on Scholars
LAST FRIDAY IN MARCH: Scholars/Honorable Mentions Announced (11:00 AM Central Time)

College Matters. Alma Matters. June 3rd Podcast

Episode: John Mateja on The Barry Goldwater Scholarship: Identify, Encourage and Support Students doing Undergraduate Research.

Episode summary introduction: Set up in 1986 to honor Senator Barry Goldwater’s distinguished public service, the Scholarship promotes undergraduate research by awarding scholarships to students. In this podcast, John gives us an overview of The Barry Goldwater Scholarship, How Students can Apply, What they look for in their Scholars, and Advice for High Schoolers.

Linking Undergraduate Research and Scholarship Applications

For more videos on helpful topics ranging from applying for fellowships to life in graduate school, visit the Webinar Archives.

Welcome to the The Goldwater Community!