Terms and Conditions
A. Introduction
This Statement of Terms and Conditions is applicable to and binding upon recipients of Barry Goldwater Scholarships. Goldwater Scholars should understand that acceptance of the award imposes a legal duty on the part of the Scholar to use the funds in accordance with the terms and conditions of the award stated herein.
B. General Terms and Conditions
The program Regulations governing the Barry Goldwater Scholarship Program, hereinafter referred to as the “Terms and Conditions,” are hereby made a part of this agreement.
Should the Foundation determine that the Scholars are not complying with the award’s Program Regulations and, if compliance is not possible, the Scholar will be terminated from the program and must arrange for repayment of federal funds.
This award is made subject to the availability of funds.
The Scholar will keep the Goldwater Foundation apprised of their progress toward the achievement of individual academic goals on an annual basis after graduation (see Program Regulations, Section D).
Program Regulations
A. Amount of Award
- Annually, each Goldwater Scholar receives an amount equal to the cost of tuition, mandatory fees, books, and housing and meals minus the amount of support provided for by other sources, up to a maximum of $7,500/academic year. Other sources of support include school scholarships, tuition waivers, basic education opportunity grants (e.g., Pell) and community, corporate, professional, and other similar awards. Do not include support from family, Veteran’s Administration, loans, work-study, research stipends or the Scholar’s employment.
- After the amount of a Goldwater scholarship is determined and payment is disbursed to a Scholar, additional scholarship or financial awards received by the Scholar will not reduce the amount of the Goldwater funding for that year. If the new award is a multi-year award and if the Scholar is eligible for a second year of support from the Goldwater Foundation, the new award must be reported on the Scholar’s second Payment Request Form.
- Allowable expenses include tuition, mandatory fees, books, and housing and meals. No other education costs are covered.
- Eligibility for funding is based on full-time enrollment in an approved undergraduate program with a course of study, training, or other educational activities to prepare for a research career in sciences, mathematics, or engineering.
- If your academic plans change to include studying at another institution or study abroad, you are advised to contact the Foundation PRIOR to changing your study plans to evaluate how your Goldwater funding could be impacted.
- Funding will begin with the fall term of the 2025-2026 academic year. A Scholar must have at least one term of full-time study remaining as of September 2025.
B. Required Documentation (See https://goldwaterscholarship.gov/scholarship- awardees)
The Goldwater Scholar must complete and meet the published submission deadlines for submitting the:
- Scholarship Acceptance Form (SAF), indicating acceptance of the award,
- Direct Deposit Form (DD) as the Goldwater award payment is made directly to the Scholar’s designated bank account by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, and
- Payment Request Form (PRF) prior to the fall term for each year the Scholar remains eligible to receive funding.
C. Duration of Scholarship Award
- Scholars who receive the award as sophomores can expect to receive support for a maximum of two years (4 semesters) or until graduation, if sooner. Scholars who receive the award as juniors can expect to receive support for a maximum of one year (2 semesters) or until graduation, if sooner. Other academic calendars will be accommodated.
- The Scholar must notify the Foundation immediately of any change in academic status (e.g. early graduation, part-time enrollment, failure to maintain good academic standing).
- A Goldwater Scholar may request that the Foundation postpone payment because of illness or other circumstances. If the Foundation grants a postponement, it may impose award conditions as it deems necessary.
- The Foundation may terminate a scholarship if the Scholar fails to maintain full-time enrollment status, is not in good academic standing, or is not taking a course of study, training, or other education activities to prepare for a research career in the sciences, mathematics or engineering.
- Before the Foundation terminates a scholarship, the Foundation will give the Scholar notice, an opportunity to be heard, and the opportunity to correct the situation with respect to the grounds for termination.
- If a scholarship is terminated or if the Scholar forfeits a scholarship, the Foundation will determine the amount of funding that must be returned to the Foundation based on the circumstances associated with the termination or forfeiture.
D. Progress Reports
Scholars are required to submit a brief yearly report to the Foundation that provides the following information:
- advanced degrees sought and graduate school(s) attended,
- fellowships and awards received,
- a brief description of your research, and
- any additional information deemed significant, particularly as it relates to your Goldwater award.
The report will be sent out in May each year via Survey Monkey and should be submitted by June 30 of each year for a period of four (4) years beginning the year after graduation. In addition, Scholars are requested to notify the Foundation of changes in their mailing and email addresses and are encouraged to correspond with the Foundation throughout their careers.
More detailed instructions can be found at https://goldwaterscholarship.gov/scholarship- awardees.
If you have questions, please call (703) 756-6012