Payment Request Process
A Goldwater Scholar is eligible for funding at the start of the Fall of their award year. The Foundation provides access to the required forms via a secure online platform. A general timeline for the payment process is outlined below. Specific guidance and due dates are provided with each form. Scholars must contact the Foundation if unable to meet established deadlines.
All forms must be submitted electronically.
Duration of Awards
Scholars who receive the award as juniors can expect to receive support for a maximum of one year (2 semesters) or until graduation, if sooner. Scholars who receive the award as sophomores can expect to receive support for a maximum of two years (4 semesters) or until graduation, if sooner. All funding will be in accordance with the regulations established by the Foundation’s Board of Trustees and will be subject to review by an authorized official of the institution that certifies:
- The Scholar is a full-time student and is taking a course of study, training, or other educational activities to prepare for a research career in mathematics, the natural sciences, or engineering.
- The Scholar is in good academic standing.
Other academic calendars will be accommodated.
Upon application to the Foundation, a Scholar may seek postponement of their award for health reasons or other mitigating circumstances.
Funding levels for all scholarships are subject to the availability of funds. All payments are processed in accordance with the Terms and Conditions.
Description of Forms
• SCHOLARSHIP ACCEPTANCE FORM (SAF): This form indicates acceptance of the Goldwater award and the conditions associated with the award. Scholars access the SAF via their Goldwater Account.
• DIRECT DEPOSIT (DD):The Foundation provides access to the DD form in April after Scholars have accepted their award.
The Foundation is required to make all payments by electronic funds transfer. Scholarship funds can only be deposited into the checking or savings account of the Goldwater awardee. The Treasury Department will not make payments to investment accounts or to an account not bearing the Scholar’s name. Providing the Scholar’s name is on the account, a joint checking or savings account is allowed. Unless named on the account, do not use the bank account of a parent(s) or a significant other. Custodial accounts are acceptable if the Scholar is the primary account holder.
• PAYMENT REQUEST FORM (PRF): The Foundation provides Scholars access to the PRF in June. Scholars may not submit forms until after their financial aid and cost of attendance for the upcoming academic year have been finalized.
The Foundation determines the amount of each scholarship based on the Scholar’s college expenses and educational support (scholarships, grants, etc.). Expenses covered by the Goldwater Scholarship include: tuition, mandatory fees, room and board, and books ($1,000).
Payments from the Goldwater Foundation supplement, but do not duplicate, benefits from other sources. In other words, the financial benefits from all sources combined may not exceed the cost of tuition, mandatory fees, room and board, and books for an academic year. Scholars must promptly notify the Goldwater Foundation of any change in academic status.
Scholars considering study abroad or whose academic program includes an internship or co-op must contact the Foundation prior to submitting their PRF.
For students who receive a Goldwater Scholarship in their sophomore year of college, a PRF is required for each year of eligibility and a transcript is required for the second year of funding.
Goldwater Payment Policies
“Last Dollar in Policy”
At the time the amount of Goldwater scholarship funding is calculated and awarded, it is to be considered the student’s last financial award for the academic year for which the Goldwater Scholarship is being awarded. All school scholarships, fellowships, tuition waivers, basic educational opportunity grants, and community, corporate professional, and other similar awards the student has at that time must be included. (Exclude family, Veteran’s Administration, loans, work-study, research stipends, resident assistant support, or the student’s own employment). After the amount of the Goldwater Scholarship is determined, no institutionally controlled scholarship, fellowship, grant, or other such type of award may be reduced to offset the Goldwater Scholarship. Should a college/university reduce an institutionally controlled award, the institution will be placed on probation by the Goldwater Foundation. During the probation, students from the institution may be nominated for a Goldwater Scholarship. However, should a student be named a Scholar, the student will be recognized as a Scholar, but no scholarship support will be provided.
Scholarship Support Received After the Goldwater Scholarship is Determined for an Academic Year
After Goldwater funding for the academic year is disbursed to the Scholar, additional scholarships or financial awards received for that year will not reduce the amount of Goldwater support. Scholarships received after disbursement do not need to be reported to the Foundation. However, if the new award is a multi-year award and the Scholar is eligible for two years of Goldwater support, the new award must be reported on the Scholar’s second PRF.
Change in Academic Status
The Scholar is responsible for notifying the Foundation of any change in academic status (e.g., early graduation, failure to maintain good academic standing). A change in status may require the Scholar to repay all or part of the funding provided by the Goldwater Foundation.
A Scholar may seek postponement of their award for health reasons or other mitigating circumstances. Please contact the Foundation for more information.
Study Abroad
Scholars must consult with the Foundation prior to signing up for an overseas program, as some costs associated with being overseas cannot be covered. Requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Scholars interested in studying abroad must contact the Foundation office to discuss funding well in advance of the study abroad experience.
Change of Scholar’s Contact Information
Scholars should send the updated information to Administrative Staff at A Scholar cannot make these changes by logging into their student account on the Goldwater online application.
Annual Report Instructions
Scholars are required to submit a brief yearly report in letter format to the Foundation that provides the following information
- advanced degrees sought and graduate school(s) attended,
- fellowships and awards received,
- a brief description of your research, and
- any additional information deemed significant, particularly as it relates to your Goldwater award.
The report should be submitted by June 30 of each year for a period of four (4) years beginning the year after graduation. In addition, Scholars are requested to notify the Foundation of changes in their mailing and email addresses (by emailing the update directly to the Foundation, NOT by logging into their online Goldwater application account). Scholars are encouraged to correspond with the Foundation throughout their careers.
To facilitate the reporting process, Foundation staff will disseminate an annual reporting form via email in the Spring. Scholars may fulfill their annual reporting requirement by completing the survey by June 30. If you do not receive the electronic form, contact Administrative Staff at .