A competitive application requires planning, attention to detail, and sufficient time to work with individuals who can support the student’s application. All applicants need to plan appropriately.

As materials are prepared, students should keep in mind that the Goldwater Scholarship is awarded to those who show the greatest potential for becoming one of the United States’ next generation of research leaders in the natural sciences, mathematics, and engineering. All elements of an application should help the Foundation understand how you intend to be one of these leaders.

General guidance when preparing an application:

    • Carefully read and review all of the required application information and materials.
    • Contact the Goldwater Scholarship Campus Representative (CR) as early as possible to inform the CR of your interest in applying. Carefully follow your CR’s instructions regarding the campus application process.
    • Know and stay on top of all deadlines (including those set by your institution’s CR and those established by the Goldwater Program).
    • After discussing prospective references with your CR and determining whom you will ask to write your letters of recommendation, contact your letter writers as early as possible–no less than a month, but ideally more than a month in advance of the campus deadline.
    • Work with individuals who can assist and provide feedback throughout the application process (i.e., Goldwater CR, mentors and Letter of Recommendation writers).
    • Make certain the information provided is accurate and reported in a way that is asked for in the application.
    • Proofread, reflect, revise, and again proofread, reflect, revise–all application materials! Enlist others to review the application for science, grammar, format, etc.

Well in advance of deadlines, make certain all application materials are in order (i.e., check with your CR).

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